Nov 25, 2011

[ST] - The Bamboo Labyrinth - Part 2: Delving Deeper

Gather around me boys and girls as you listen to the stories of young and old. As fairy tales and legends, prayers and singings are told.

Today I will spare you on any unnecessary text or speech beforehand and just let you have the second part of my short 'The Bamboo Labyrinth' to read and hopefully delight in.
Still I would like to advise you to start from the very beginning if you so happen to have stumbled upon this site for the very first time. Just follow the link below to the post containing part one.

'The Bamboo Labyringth' - Part 1: Introduction

As for the rest of you. Enjoy!


But today I am not here to discuss these fruitless matters. I am here to, maybe not set an example, but to justify helping myself in all the pure, nature given selfishness I possess.  I will vainly attempt to bring both parts of mankind together for even only a second as I wish to tell you my little story whilst I also continue to write it down. To perhaps share a secret amongst others which I kept away from distant eyes and ears for so long so desperately.
Nevertheless it is now but only a forgotten memory, a fading dream on the brink of obliteration. Something crippled that I always held dear to me, despite any revulsion I might have ever felt towards it. But now as I fear to be too weak to hold on to it any much longer, I shall pass it on. Let it take its destined place and live anew within somebody else, as I try to replant the almost colourless seed of a once beautiful blossom, which bloomed many summers ago.
At least that is what it is... or, pardon me, what it was for me. For you it will rather be a smallest fraction of a lucid yet likewise volatile daydream, a fairytale at the most. No clear beginning to it nor an end to be determined.
And that's fine.
That is how it is meant to be and I will embrace this fact with comfort and ease as I will try to convey the passion and understanding necessary.

It all happened once upon a time, in a lush green land, the exact place already discarded from my mind.
I was still young and foolish, maybe just about to come off age, only the time of aimless rebellion already left behind me.
My family always considered themselves up to the heartbeat of the current time, modern to all its extend, flattered by the technological development of the recent decade, driving us ever further down the rabbit hole and into a corner of limited emotion and lifelessness.
My father, a paragon in this position, was especially fascinated with all kinds of automobiles, a passion I never fully understood, nor ever wanted to. He reached the prime with this obsession as he acquired something on the lines of an off-road vehicle. This was to become his treasure. Material and cold, though he remained good-hearted as a man. His wife, my mother so to speak and we, his children, never had to take a second place for him. Although the struggle within remained, yet merely sometimes noticeable.
Yet on said day, the date washed away, it was this vehicle that formed the carriage, bringing us to a place I long haven't visited but also never truly left since then.
My mother, a saint amongst women like most mothers for their children, incarnated almost everything our father wasn't in my eyes. When he turned cold, she became the warmer. Where he sought out truth, she always seemed satisfied with bare fiction. Whilst he tried to approach, she always kept a strange distance to others, even to us, her only children, yet she never gave away an ill impression to the outside. She never tried to stay away..., on the contrary... it felt forced. Again, something I never fully understood, although I still know how she never was too fond of friends and artificial bonds as she would call them. Always insisting to watch out who we trusted, we emerged to making up our mind on such matters on our own fairly soon.
Yet on said day, it was a person my mother knew and held dearest that we wanted to visit, refreshing a bond as artificial as the love those two might have never felt towards each other.
My brother, the nightmare of my childhood, vigorously playing the treacherous game of siblings at that time, going so far to even pretend to hate me from the bottom of his heart. He was a year older than me and thus he usually believed in being the superior one. Fortunately enough, he was a good actor and nothing much else. We feared for each other as well as we were able to experience the fear, the terror together. The dark and relentless density of a ever so lush forest standing out in the open being the only thing he couldn't cope with as he continued to grow older. Any other obstacle, he would easily overcome... but a group of trees? No. Again a mystery for me... or at least another missing detail carelessly replaced by a splash of monotonous green color.
Yet on said day, the place we visited was kept hidden away by branches and twigs, leaves and the tree trunks themselves.
There have been many days and nights in which my brain tried to convince me of my brother dying on that day, right in my arms, his dying breath grazing lightly over my skin.
Yet none of these thoughts bear any form of truth. They were born from the darkest abyss and the voids my personality holds in unseen places. An area of the mind most people keep on denying at all cost during the course of their lives, something that apparently exists only within the most rotten and wicked ones of our society.
Yet this proves to be merely just another lie, almost like the memory that was conjured up by itself.
Though I have admit... a certain part of him probably really died away in said place. Silently flickered away like a candle facing a raging storm. Luckily only some of the bad parts perished, as I might recall correctly under all the focus I can muster up to bear.
But on to the actual memory, the fairytale which pursued my heart for so long now. I can only barely tell whether the pictures in my mind are still in order or form any kind of linear happening, but I will show them to you nonetheless.
Just as the dream I already mentioned ever so often, it starts out in the middle of a scene, probably not too long before any of the first important happenings occur.

To be continued


*click here to keep on reading with part 3*

As it turns out... this part is longer than the first one. Scratch all that about shorter parts. I had the story already divided into certain smaller 'fragments' and I think I will go with those for the time being. As you might notice the blank line, that's where the "first part" originally ended. I will eventually fix this, but as it is now I will let it remain as is.

Anyways... I hope you enjoyed today's part of my short story!
For those wondering about the actual story behind it (and to those shouting "stop with the cryptic ********, for ***** ****!" ... Well actually I guess the only thing I can tell those people is to read something else, can I?) - it will all start to clear up a bit more after getting aside all of the introduction.
Part three will delve directly into the actual scene as the last sentence hints at.
Foreshadowing.... wooooh.

But here I go, talking too much yet again...
Better be off again, got some more dragons to kill!

As always, thanks for reading!
Marc, Weaver of the lucid Dream

P.S.: New Kitteh will go up shortly!

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