
Well yeah... pretty much all the random stuff I come across will go here. I can't really tell what will happen with this page as my interests have a rather wide range.
I enjoy fitness, basically all kinds of board- and cardgames, tcg's (thanks to my childhood I still love several of those although I'm not actively playing any), I also love watching 'Let's Play's on YouTube and I'm a WoW player  (yeah I'm going that far, though in many ways 'inactive'). Additionally to all of that I'm currently studying IBC. So consider calling me a nerd...
Strangely enough I'm also into fitness and a healthy lifestyle (though I tend to slack on the later from time to time - still I like to cook :o and believe it or not - most of the time the stuff turns out to be really healthy).

So we'll see where this will be going... Probably nothing that has to do with cats though.

I've got my hands on the Zombies!!! game a while ago \o/ yay ... it's just so ridiculous

For now I'll just go ahead and start off with a list of links to pages / people I enjoy:

  • deatheven13 - Let's Player on YouTube... if you're into such things highly entertaining to watch - I love all of his stuff
  • Helloween4545 - Let's Player on Youtube... again if you're into it - also highly entertaining, just good plain fun to watch 
  • theRadBrad - Another great Let's Player on Youtube, associated with Machinima - "Take it B**ch!" 'nuff said!

  • Klayton aka Celldweller - What should I say? To put it blunt: this man is incredible and his music is a source of inspiration to me!
  • Deadmau5 - Currently one of my favorite musicians (would have called him a DJ but as he himself often states he doesn't like to be called that way, I won't) - I really want see him live someday. (Come back to Germany for a few shows, Mr. Mau5! pwees :<)

Wow... look at all the information that could be used against me one day, clumped together like this on one single page...

That's it for now, come back for more random stuff...