Jul 4, 2012

[SUM] - ...

"At least one, usually more silent part of my psyche used to suddenly speak up to me during the strangest of occasions. >>You need to enjoy this a bit more!<< it cried out fiercely without cause nor reason. What a twisted little remark it had been as I come to think of it. Something I never fully understood, at least not until the very end. At least not until now, the outlining of my face vaguely reflecting from the dulled puddle of curdling blood."

Jun 22, 2012

[SUM] - Getting to know your own Main Character

Who would have imagined that this is something rather difficult to get done? Especially as 'main characters' are usually so shiny and pristine or dominant and impulsive or at least so frail and useless (in the beginning) that you just have to remember them one way or the other.

But how to get your Average-Joe to be the hero of whatever you want to build up and stand out of the grey-ish lot?

The first response will typically be that this is a difficult process... and yeah it is. Why fool you and feed you a blatantly obvious lie? As with any person you will have to get to know him/her just as you'll have to with any human being you might meet out in the streets of wherever you're living. It takes a bit of time and mostly patience as you slowly build up trust.
Sure this sounds ludicrous at first, especially if you actively keep in mind that we are talking about a fictional person that YOU want to create, but you will soon enough begin to see the truth behind this one little sentence.  And quite understandably you don't want to model every last character after yourself or close friends/relatives (naturally those are the first people you'll think off trying to get a sudden inspiration - and I'll promise: in most cases it'll be more successful than looking at an orange).

BUT... this is a description of a long and complex process that's only scratching the surface. More interestingly this 'process' can go one as long as wish for it to last and about as deeply too. Aside to that it is something very personal, almost intimate (maybe a poor choice of words) because you are after all in the process of creating your own fake little human being (or non-human being).

Sadly this is also a bad topic to give people advice on, as everyone will experience this process very differently. We are all motivated, stimulated by different things and this easily carries over to being creative as well.

Yet as you see I'm mainly blabbering on without an actual lead or substance to it... so I might as well refer to the current character I'm working on.
At the moment he is most likely to be called: Michael Fields.
To make it easier on you and to actually create a suitable character you'd better know what kind of story you are interested in writing (and have a general idea of the plot) - in this case we would end up with something on the lines of: Angst, Paranormal, Horror(-Fantasy).
Going from there a profession also usually helps you out. Picking something too close to your own won't necessarily help you out as proper research will fill any gaps - though you might have to invest a good bit of time on that part. In this particular case we'll go with: Author.

These are (in my opinion) 2 of the core things (the name isn't really all that important) to set up the typical ways how your character would react to most situations. The profession usually gives your character a general direction to either follow or actively ignore and define him that way.

From this point onwards I usually get set on creating a physical setting in the back of my head - a small town e.g. whatever fits the general notion of your story as well as the social surrounding of this main character. Then go ahead and add some flavouring like a murder perhaps and connect it to your future protagonist. For instance you'll really want to know if this character is falsely accused of the crime at hand, or maybe even rightfully so... the 'how' doesn't matter too much at this point in time, though the 'why' might.

Either way... put all the ingredients together, mix 'em, blend 'em and you'll get an idea of where you are heading and most important of all: a feeling for how your protagonist will probably react to most of the things he'll have to face.

Now, if you've already come this far and you're not feeling ready yet to put down the whole story one by one, you probably should start writing down more or less short paragraphs of dialogue, or inner monologue your protagonist would/could/should use in the story. Maybe you'll end up actually using it! (Don't be afraid to edit or cut things from your drawing board.)

To get back to the first-hand examples - two quotes I took from mister Fields that will most likely both make it into the finished text/story:

*commenting on an old almost-ex-girlfriend of his*
"People usually wondered how long it would take for the two of us to finally get together. However my response to these ever-so-often only silently mouthed questions always remained to be the same, at least in essence. Changing over the years from me shouting 'NO! Girls are icky!' up to 'Cut the crap and shut the fuck up!' after one last rather harsh rejection I received from her at the start of our first term of College."

*his general way of introducing himself*
"Michael. Michael Fields, though you may call me Sebastian should you ever forget. Just don't expect me to take too kindly to that..."

Now after giving you these two quotes from my notes the really interesting question(s) start(s) to arise... how do you get the guy who said the stuff from above to voice something like:

"The land may melt, the sea may burn and the sky shall fall - but the mind remains to be eternal."

And only if you are able to answer this one question, how did this change occur - you will be able to create a being that actually seems believably realistic. The character you set out to create lives and thrives upon the task you present them with and/or the change(s) he will have to face.
Easier said than done and it would be too easy to be taken by the hand and walked through all of it without giving it your all. These are things you need to do for yourself, or it will never be truly 'your character'. But that is just my opinion.

In any case... it's been a long one today after such a long while of... well... not much. And it even had a topic... gets better by the minute.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day/weekend (it's not too far away anymore!)
Marc, currently part-time trainee

Jun 6, 2012

[SUM] - Contemplating or Procrastinating?

It could be either of both by now, could it not?
Well as far as this update goes, I am not going to repeat myself with the obvious things, all of which have already been said waaaay to often.

But... what now?

Well first and foremost of all: I'm still here and I'm still writing stuff down. In other words: I'm getting my shit together to actually write that next story (damn it! I'm getting reluctant calling it a book... taking a step backwards isn't all that great). And oh boy do I have to. Once upon a time a single author was good with writing one book per year on a fairly regular basis, two was way more than exceptional... or at least the old stuff finally getting down to be published after years and years of being kept back (rotting away). Nowadays though things seem to be rapidly heading down a maelstrom of cheap and volatile entertainment, with the Internet readily waiting only the stretch of a finger away if you're even only remotely close to a smartphone.
So nowadays, with the reader knocking quite literally on the electrical doorstep of the author him- or herself fueled by the constant craving for new content this one-per-year policy just doesn't really work any more. And then there are those authors who tackle this problem so energetically that they end up over-doing it - e.g. with 12 books a year - or should I say e-books? I'm not even sure if I should call those "books" to begin with.

Sounds lovely, doesn't it?

But seriously... 12 "books" per year? ... I'm not even going to go into more detail about that. Of course there are other ways to get around that problem as it seems to be unfolding. Ah but I'm ranting again, so best to cut it here. I'm already feeling a good fourty years older after that. If I got you interested in a shallow article about this topic covered by the New York times have a look at this.

This is a great start into posting entries for the blog this month so far, isn't it? I've hardly done a thing for this site in a month and now I come back complaining about authors having to do more.
If nothing else I at least managed to achieve a new all-time low for views of the blog in May, but nevertheless - thank you to all the Russian spambots invading blogger for at least some site-traffic and that one guy who found my blog by searching for the IUPEC name of MDMA. Cheers to you (and of course to everybody else lingering around every once in a while).

One last thing though - I already hinted at it a while ago: I'll be moving house in the midst of July so don't expect too much over summer except for me working behind the ever-present curtain. I will however give a glimpse maybe every once in a while.

Everything important out of the way, all the ranting said and done I'm gonna leave you now to some classical music as I exit the scene. Enjoy.


A man still belongs into the fray of a raging battle! Sadly the means of this fight have changed more or less drastically over the centuries. The swords we once would have wielded are now pens and sheets of paper, the fetid arena has turned into an office space and the skill you measure your opponent by is no longer the strength behind the thrust of his sword arm but rather a bunch of marginal numbers scattered throughout databases and desks in places even you have never ever been before.


And for my next trick, I'm going to make all my free-time disappear.
As always, thank you very much for reading (you too - person searching for (RS)-1-(benzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)-N-methylpropan-2-amine).
Marc, wielder of axes and pens alike (damn you Diablo 3!)

P.S.: getting the search on for some new kittehs
P.P.S.: 3 new kittehs up

May 6, 2012

[SUM] - It's not much of a blog...

...if you don't update it regularly, is it now?
I know I've been slacking again, but what can I say? I'm a bit caught up with a couple of other things at the moment, a potential move being only one of many. But I'm not going to bore with that just now, at least not yet that is.
I'm just here to make clear that I, in fact, have not fallen off the face of the Earth and I'm pretty sure I haven't died - I believe the Internet is known for believing the strangest of things rather quickly (I lost count how many times Morgan Freeman has been declared dead by now), so... here I am!

Yeah, that's not really much, or well, anything at all to be honest, but what did you expect? Good news? I assume it's a bit too early for any of those. Damn you 6 week waiting time for a response!
On the other hand... you can't really blame the agencies for taking so long if you think about how many messages they get per day and all the stuff attached to them...

But so you don't go home completely empty handed, I have a couple of rather freshly taken down bits of text I'm looking forward to implement into the story 'Heavy Silence'. In which way or form, or if in this particular phrasing at all still undecided.

"It does naught matter as much to know what you want to be, rather than to know who you actually are."

"Funny people are often depressed, thought the depressed are not necessarily funny at all. Note the difference!"

"This world... It's all just beautiful lies and happy violence."

It's not necessarily what I'd say myself, but in a kind of way... yeah it is. Also note the pop-culture reference more or less pitifully hidden.

Anyways... I'm sorry that'll have to do for now. There will be a point in time, somewhen in the more or less distant future when I'll have a few actual bits of text to offer but that's still a good bit away (way to be unspecific, sheesh).
As always though, thanks for reading. Have a great weekend and a good start into the next week.
Marc, who the hell's that in the first place?

P.S.: I'll see what I can do 'bout a kitteh; also... had a glass of Japanese Whisky this evening... wow that stuff is surprisingly intense ...

Apr 17, 2012

[SUM] - Somnium Primum

So this is kind of a late update ... at least if you're living in Europe.

Somnium Primum, the title says it all - roughly translated we end up with "The First Dream"
(taking into account 'somnium' can mean a couple of things so you might also call it fever-dream - not too accurate though or well.. obviously 'nightmare')

What this means is that I'm actually doing what I wanted to do - re-editing Sleeptalking - again.
And as this part of the story can be found over on my page for Sleeptalking, I will get on updating that right away after I finished this post here. You want a new kitteh as well, you say? Well... maybe. Let me think about it.

As for today... you all will have to make due with this excerpt right here. Hope you'll enjoy it nevertheless.


Looking around she noticed that the trees were forming a kind of barrier around this place; they stood densely packed building this impenetrable wall. Was she not meant to be here, she asked herself under her voice? Was she an intruder on a sacred glade?
The wind picked up and grew stronger with every little step she took on her way closer to the pond.
The water appeared as clear as crystal, beautiful and enticing. Without doubt unusual, but why question? She clearly saw her image with the dark brown eyes and her skin as white as porcelain, there was nothing sinister about a natural mirror.  
The more time she spent in this place, even if it had been only mere minutes the more she could not help to think how beautiful all of this was and that some-when, as the opportunity might arise she should have to return here, best together with all her family. And still the feeling would not go away: something kept on telling her that she was not supposed to be here, something inside of her warned her that this was a dangerous place to linger about.
Just in this very second a strong gust of wind shot through the forest, bearing far more force than any before and Seraphine could not prevent herself from looking up to the wavering treetops above as her hair was thrown about wildly.
It took her breath away as she saw the hundreds of yellow glowing pairs of eyes looking down upon her. She could not make out what these creatures were but they seemed to reflect no light at all with their bodies. The only things visible were their bright yellow eyes.
In shock she made a few steps backwards away from the water without ever taking her eyes of the treetops and their pitch-black inhabitants. They were larger than bats, though probably not too much, little Seraphine had never seen a bat before.
Few seconds later she tripped on the slippery and wet grass losing her balance, gravity pulled her to a rest on the ground yet again, this time though amongst the wet blades.
Little did the girl care though, she was panicking again, looking around wildly for an opening between the smaller trees around her. She knew she would have to flee as there was no telling what those things above her might do to her, but nothing.
Not a single thing.


And there you go.
The editing has been going rather nicely over the course of the last few days, which actually doesn't mean anything to be fair so yeah... I'll be sticking to that for the next couple of days, weeks, hoping that it doesn't go all overboard like it did with MotT... damn that took me ages.

As always thanks for reading, hope you're having a great week.
Marc, not even a month left till the 15th of May - hurray!

P.S.:... Yeah you got me, I'll put up another kitty.

Apr 12, 2012

[SUM] - One year down

And a lot more to go, hopefully that is.

On this day, one year ago I first created this blog here. At the time it looked a good bit different compared to now, mostly a lot less kittehs though. But yeah... one year, already looking back into the past? Nah... that's no good! I'll have to be looking forward to get things done, not backwards. And that's exactly what we'll do!

It's short-update-madness-time, as I have oh-so randomly decided just now!

Thirst things first - I spent a lot of today's time with creating a second blog. No worries though - I won't bore you to death with my ramblings on that one too. That blog is meant to be somewhat special: As you all should know I finished my re-editing, re-visioning of 'Bloodstained Shadows' not too awfully long ago and since that moment I tried to find another way to host it on my blog and not solely rely on fanfiction.net and well... fan fiction sites in general. So... here it is!


I tried to keep it as clean and clearly arranged as possible. Personally I like this design more than the one of e.g. fanfiction.net
The site is set up with bloggers "new" dynamic templates and is probably best viewed with the Sidebar version. Feel free to give them all a try if you so desire, but you will find some of them to be fairly pointless given the content.
It should - SHOULD - run on any browser by now, but you never know, do you? IE, chrome and FireFox seem stable though - which is a good start.

As usual, feel free to give the story a go, leave a comment (or review on any other sites containing BS-CoaLS)

Only thing unfortunately being I had to switch to blogger's new layout to get this new blog running, it's only a minor thing, still I don't really like it... at least it's current color-scheme isn't as pain-inducing as the earlier versions were.

Ah well... in other news, Sleeptalking is getting somewhere too... but it's still too early to go into any detail concerning that.

As always, thanks for reading, I hope you're having a great week. I, for my part will be travelling back to Bremen, most likely tomorrow, so expect a new post somewhat around Sunday.
Marc, bloggish

P.S.: New Kitteh uploaded, not necessarily an anniversary kitty, but it fits the general mood... yeah... something along those lines

Apr 8, 2012

Happy Easterz!

Happy Easter to all of you who celebrate this lovely holiday with the strange bunny hiding all the sweet sweet chocolate.
And of course to everybody who celebrates something else today, or even nothing at all - have a great day and a good start into the next week! (Spring seems to be finally here - yays)

Apr 3, 2012

[SUM] - 'Recap'

It's just a title for a post, don't worry too much about it. Honestly: Don't.

And so you all feel better, I haven't forgotten about the lot of you, but it just so happens that I had to change locations yet again ("had to" = visiting the rest of the family over the Easter Holidays. Weeeee bunnehs!)
And so I'm now sitting on this sofa already relocated to Saxony, the train ride long behind me and slowly getting less productive by the minute. But I did manage to finally find a use for my largest (up to this day unused) notebook on my way here as I had to somehow fill those 5 hours of mind numbing sitting around.
Hence the title for this post.

Therefor: the update for today is: I'm away, or rather "I'm here" which means just about as much as "I'm away."

Anyways... thanks for reading, yep this is only a short one and more to come, probably as the week progresses. Even though we might "see" each other till then: Happy Easter holidays nevertheless.

Marc, under the spell of the bunnehs!

Mar 27, 2012

[SUM] - Fighting Habits and/or finding alternatives

Fighting Hobbits might turn out to be more interesting in a strange kind of way, but yes - I'm actually going on about habits as in "bad" and/or "good".

First off - what you all came here for: the updates.
Well... I'm planning a lot of things... really... when I say a lot I mean a LOT. But as most of the stuff is spread out rather wildly over the course of this year, I shall begin with the few more recent ones.

Most important of those probably being me looking into somehow getting Bloodstained Shadows onto this very site. Unfortunately the biggest problem remains - the how.

Second in line is the editing of Sleeptalking (oh god how often did I announce that up to this point? I'm loosing count...)

Aaand the third... hum, what was the third thing on the list? I'm not really sure anymore. Surely it wasn't about training a Beedrill, that would be lunacy...

But to onto the topic of 'habits and finding one's true self' for a short while:
I'd just like you to know that I found something out about myself I did not fully notice until now. Something I do feel foolish for in all honesty spoken.
Over the last few years, it seems, a schedule spanning over the course of a year had evolved concerning my abilities and more so the intensity and amount of work I put into writing. I usually began forming the first ideas for a project over springtime, refine those and create an outlining in the summer (yay's for working outside on stuffs) and getting the actual writing done in autumn/fall and winter. Well... what is the reason behind that?
I never really posed this question on myself, but now as the skies begin clearing up and sun caresses the still leafless trees the answer I sought for struck me like a bolt of lightning...
You can't really write all the dark stuff when it's sunny outside.
Now... I'm sure there are a lot of people who can and therefore a lot of people who would disagree with me on that point, but quite frankly: I'm not those people. And as it seems - I'm not capable of, well... spacing out that much. (You could btw start arguing with me on that part as BS-CoaLS was finished over the course of a summer - more trivia for you non-interested lot.)
Anyhow what does this tell me?
In the end I'm left with two options: overcome or succumb (as D. Mograine once said to a certain deathknight) - or in other words - dominate or adapt.
I could surely just jack up my diurnal rhythm and become nocturnal, but I'm not too sure if that's too healthy for me and my health is something I'm quite fond of in all honesty. Or on the other hand I could take this 'discovery' as something far more valuable: the opportunity it presents.
That being said I'm still left with the decision whether to break the existing schedule by going all "to-hell-with-it" and force myself to write all the dark stuff I've still got up my sleeves OR if I might just try and find a change of pace and style. It would be the perfect opportunity to get going on a few more 'happy' projects, stuff that most people tried to recommend to me - that I'd just start writing a comedy, something that brings out my over-the-top sense of humor and puts it to use.

All that tl;dr later I come to the conclusion that I found a chance to break through an old-ish habit of mine, to tread on a new path and maybe even 'evolve' concerning my writing. How it pans out is still pretty much wide open, but you'll never know.
That being said I found the glitch in my personal Matrix and I promise I'll try to work on that. Let's take this one as number three on the list and forget about the Beedrill for now, alright? (Not asking Beni...)

As always thanks for reading and your patience with me as I try to figure out which way to go.
Marc, a bit confused because of sudden clarity; also: Knight of Pentacles!


Mar 23, 2012

[ST] - Venturing out into a different world

This Friday's story will lead us out into the world, a very special one I may add - though sadly no creation of my own thoughts. The realm I'm talking about goes by the name of 'Sanctuary' and might ring a bell for many many people out there. It' is fairly known for being the favorite world to invade by the Prime Evil Diablo and his two brothers from the similar named series of Diablo created by Blizzard Entertainment.

Yes another Blizzard game and yes another fanfict. I know I know, but I did not however in this special case write it just for the fun of it, but with a  goal in mind. You see, there was this little private kind of giveaway for a Beta-key for Diablo III on a German forum and I just had to try my luck.

The text I ended up writing isn't too long all in all, picturing a barbarian and his followers venturing down into the catacombs below the cathedral of (New) Tristram.
Overall I put roughly an hour's worth of work into it and for that I'm rather pleased with the outcome. It's a one-shot so you need not worry that I'll come up with more of these, though you never know until it happens ... or doesn't happen... which is kinda, yeah you get the idea.



My fingers tremble under the weight of the jagged crown I’m holding onto far too tightly. It’s such a frail little thing and still it wouldn’t even let my hands that are accustomed to carrying only the heaviest of axes come to a rest. But soon enough they shall take back up the things they are more proficient with.

Standing in front of his throne, the old husk of bones binding the Black King to the mortal world rests only a few steps away from me and I hesitate. A feature the hot-headed barbarians of the North are not commonly known for, it is often forgotten that there are the few amongst even us that can guide their fury to their own ends.

How long has it taken to find this room amidst all the darkness inhabiting this shattered place? How long has it taken to carve a way through all the hallways filled by his servants? I don’t know... Speaking truthfully: I don’t quite remember the time I spend killing. Countless skeletons had been shattered over the course of the night. Countless more mindless zombies followed being ripped apart by cold steal and the flurry of blows I unleash once the rage was set free.

But it isn’t solely about slaying the mindless ones just for the fun of it, for the thrill of battle. No. There is but a cause to this madness that drives me deeper and deeper into the catacombs of this here monastery. Otherwise I would not be standing here right now.

The Skeleton King has emerged from his dreamless slumber yet again, raising his minions by the hundreds as he lingers within these halls. Dead and immortal his spirit governs over the graves of many, resurrecting them as he pleases. Threatening to swallow this part of our world as a whole in the name of the Prime Evil, he continues to build his army of loyal servants. Spreading the decease of undeath along the way that has taken so many before, he scorches the land like a plague, leaving nothing behind in his wake.

The people of New Tristram, residing so close to the source, begged me for my aid. They offered whatever they could muster as a reward, but of what use is gold for me? And still I quickly decided to face this immortal foe and put the rumors to the test. There are so many other things that drive me, though none of it is greed.

Yet even I, a simple brute searching for the perfect fight and the life-long opponent, knows as much that my axe would not be able to damage a ghost.

But there is a way as I was to find out. There is a way to bind him again to a mortal coil. To bind his spirit to his body and then end his presence in our realm once and for all. It was the crown I needed. With this token of his former life the apparition should be forced back into his mangled corpse, a vessel I will be able to destroy.

So here I stand, inches away of what could be either a pitiful ruse or a chance for me to die. Not that it mattered as the bittersweet anticipation for the fight to come already washed over me.

Would he offer what I seek?

Who knows? Though I highly doubt it due to the current circumstances...

Am I alone? Yes, and no. The darkness residing in this place makes sure for us to see as little as possible of each other, but they are here with me. Sadly for me, but fortunately for the inhabitants of New Tristram I am not the only one who followed their call.

The moment I finally step up to King Leoric’s corpse a swift gust of wind sweeps through our little group, bringing along a relentless chill to mind and body. Our warmth not yet fully taken from us I carefully set the crown onto his head.

Wary of what might be upon us, I step back, my hands already taking up my trusted axes.

His laughter is carried into the room as the wind picks up again, this time though not ceasing anymore. The voice grows louder and louder as the whole room shakes under tremors. A moment later it’s over already, everything still the same. Filled with disbelief I stare at my companions, had this been a trick after all?

The moment my lust for battle almost faded the corpse of Leoric seemed to move, renewing the fire inside me. His fingers clutched the side of his throne, the right hand reaching for his weapon hiding out in the shadows close by not far next to his resting place, the Black King emerges with a vile laughter. The mace smashes onto the ground, the place of impact clearly visible I hear something that immediately lets the hearts of my companions drop.

The bridge far behind us crumbled and fell into the abyss as the moans of his servants buried together with him in this room picked up to a choir of death.

Well met, King Leoric.

I charge at him, my weapons ready to lash out at his frail vessel as his maniacal laughter meets my own.

Well met indeed.


And there you go. Unfortunately it did not end up to be enough to actually win the key, but well - it was a rather subjective little contest and it doesn't matter too much. In the end I at least had a bit of fun coming up with this short scrap of text.

Either way I hope you enjoyed reading it as well.
As always thanks for reading, have a great weekend and prepare for the 15th of May, as hell is once again unleashed in Sanctuary! (yay)
Marc, barbarian in training

Just to be on the safe side of things: I do not own any rights for anything related to the Diablo series. It's all Blizzard Entertainment's stuff! Sue them, not me..! Which in this case would most likely mean sue err.. yourself?

Mar 21, 2012

[Announcement] Bloodstained Shadows 2.0 up and running.

Aaaaand it's up!

It's almost 3:00 am in Germany and I'm sacrificing part of my sleep to bring you this announcement!
The new and fully reworked version of Bloodstained Shadows - Chronicles of a Lost Soul is finally up on the Internet, to be found on FanFiction.net as of now.

Should you want to get directly into the reading part just head over to the Bloodstained Shadows page on my site and take the link posted over there ooooor why not take this one right here?

Now what is 'fully reworked' supposed to mean? A somewhat redundant question if you have by any chance been following my more or less recent posts as most of the answer for it has been explained several times. If for any reason you missed all of it - here's the short version for you:

The actual story and plot has remained completely unchanged. There have been some minor adjustments to the way a character behaves in certain situations, but all in all also not too much happened in that regards. The revision was mainly aimed at getting rid of all ('as many as possible') the rough edges the story still had as well as enhancing and hopefully improving the reading experience as a whole.

And just to give you an idea of how much has happened: As the story was first finished December 2009 it was about 160.000 words long. Over the course of these ongoing edits, usually of the smaller kind up to this large game-changing "final" one; roughly 50.000 words were added up to this point, averaging at close to 950 per single chapter. But that's just mere trivia for you - I'm fully aware that 'more' doesn't automatically mean 'better' but I sincerely hope to have successfully achieved my goal and improved the tale of Marc Fipps, better known as Ceberus or Malevolence.

Anyways, as the time I can use for sleep is somewhat running out I'll be better heading off to bed for now.
As always thanks for reading! And for a final time today: feel free to check out the updated version of Bloodstained Shadows over here, leave me a review (no sign-up necessary) over there or comment right here.
Marc, suddenly working

Mar 20, 2012

[SUM] Bloodstained Shadows Update Inc

No no no... not an incorporation. It's nothing like that - it stands for 'incoming'. Yes incoming and you should exactly know what that's all about:
Aye - I'm finally done with the editing of Bloodstained Shadows - Chronicles of a Lost Souls! Yay!

Now what exactly does that mean for you, for me, for all of the interwebz?
I shall tell you.
First off - for myself it means more work up ahead. I'll be busy separating the text into bits according to the chapters and with that get it ready for uploading to e.g. FanFiction.net, hopefully by tomorrow.
Keeping the delay of the site in mind - which is something between 8 and 24 hours (sometimes not even a single one but I'm not sure how the site will react to the mass edit/upload spree I'm preparing) the updated version of BS - CoaLS should theoretically be available for reading by Thursday. I'll be posting a separate 'announcement' on that once it's all up though.
The only thing else really of note would probably be that it's going to be available over the same link, so I'm just editing the whole thing, which also should keep all reviews etc. Which, come to think of it, would be nice if the story managed to get a few more ... hrhr... so please, feel free - once it's been re-uploaded to give me a review (no need to register or anything for that) and yeah, enjoy the ride as you read it.

But that is already all I have on that subject and well, in general for today's post.

As always thanks for reading and have yourself a great day.
Marc, the fluffy brained

Mar 16, 2012

[ST] - A blast from the past

Ah yes, it's been a great day so far. A lot of editing stuff and silly things in between to loosen up the braincells. Although I went snow blind once or twice today, which was kind of worrying but yeah... all back to normal now.

As for today's story time I decided on a re-post of something that's been out a while now on this blog. Yes, you read that right - a re-post. As I had announced on Tuesday, the prologue of 'Heavy Silence' went through a lot of change and therefore I can justify posting it again.

'Heavy Silence' is supposed to find its home amongst the horror/angst genre one day once its finished. The re-done prologue is now tending a bit more towards the horror aspect with less of the personal whining and drama the first version incorporated.

So without further ado - enjoy.


Welcome to my funeral.

Ich sitze hier bei meiner Wacht,
Kalt grüßte mich die dunkle Nacht.
Ich sitze hier in Einsamkeit,
Keine Seele weit und breit.

Everybody is only waiting for my next confession.

Ich vergieße keine Träne,
Keine Heiße, keine Kalte.
So verkünd ich doch kein Geräusch.
So bin ich doch einer mit von euch.

And even though the point where I would eventually break and spill it all had already passed ever so often...

Jeder schlaue Mann schon schläft,
Jede fromme Frau schon ruht.
Und doch gibt es der Streuner viele,
Als es manchem Herz gefiehle.

They just wouldn’t believe me.

Die Einsamkeit lässt Trauer schlagen,
Viele Stimmen klagen, klagen.
Und will ich doch so weg von euch,
So bin ich doch ein Teil von euch.

They couldn’t.

Die Schatten wallen weiterhin
Bewegen sich von Haus zu Haus.
Löschen alle Lichter aus.
Die Dunkelheit zieht ein.

Countless times already and yet countless times more to come – the questions continued.

Mein Herz ist warm und doch so kalt,
Meine Seele schwitzt und friert.
Sollen sie doch Ruhe geben,
So bin ich doch ein Teil von euch.

Would the voices ever quiet down?

Der Morgen naht, der Schatten schwindet
Die Sonne gar sehr gräßlich findet
Bringt doch Licht mit in das Haus
Und treibt die Schatten alle aus.

Or could they even?

Nein die Sonne war es nicht
Die Licht in diesen Schatten bricht,
Nur meine einsam Laterne funkelt wie ein Sterne,
So bin ich doch ein Teil von euch.

Whatever this darkness surrounding me might have been, whatever might have brought it into existence...

Groß und Klein, Dick und Dürr,
Auch gar manch wohlgeformt Gestalt
Streifen durch die Dunkelheit,
Im Kampf mit einem Sinn.

It is stalking me, the trail of blood left clearly visible in its wake.

Wirke gar verloren sein
Blick ich in mein Herz hinein
Und erblicke dort dein Bild,
So bin ich doch ein Teil von euch.

Alternating this frail reality I was so desperately clinging to, it kept lurking close by no matter where I would run to.

Der Sehnsucht langer Atemzug
Vergeblich neue Opfer sucht
Der Hunger dieser Einsamkeit
Wurd jüngst erst erneut befreit.

Looming from overhead, relentless and dangerous it never faded, never ceased.

Und kämpf ich doch dagegen an
So bin ich doch sein Untertan
Das Gefühl ist doch zu stark für mich,
So bin ich doch ein Teil von euch.

How could this be?

Die Sehnsucht frisst die Seele auf,
Saugt dir deine Wärme aus
Macht dich zum Schatten gar
Glück im Kampfe rar.

Or... did it even matter anymore?

Seh ich doch die Hoffnung schwinden
Wie sich alle Schatten winden.
Kämpfe nochmal dagegen an.
So bin ich doch ein Teil von euch

I quickly succumbed to my depression; sank into it – it was only natural.
Die Willen brechen.
Die Herzen sprechen.
Die Schatten schaudern.
Die Geister plaudern.

Addiction following up swiftly, it took everything away from me – one by one.

Nun vergieße ich die Tränen doch
Ohne Reue immerfort.
Möge doch das Licht zergehn!
So bin ich doch ein Teil von euch.

And still they were wrong to judge me so hastily.

Die Nacht ist düster weiterhin,
Die Winde ihre Lieder sing’n.
Der Verzweiflung letzte Stuf,'
Wie sie diese Schatten schuf.

The police did not understand anything at all as they insisted to keep on feeding me stories of my own innocence.

Der Hoffnung gibt es keine.
Der Lösung jedoch eine.
So hab ich doch dein Bild erseh'n.
So bin ich doch Kein Teil von euch.

Yet what still nobody knows...
       I did kill her...


There you have it. It still has the alternating languages, with the poem in between the lines of the actual prologue. I can tell as much that the German will be incorporated into each starting page of chapter and that it will have a certain relevance for the story itself, which may or may not be referenced throughout the text.
None of these things are set in stone yet, of course and therefore may be subject to change at some point - if at all.
Also, as I had mentioned with the first post of this prologue. I will be offering an English transcription for the poem as footnotes with the actual text, but I will hold off that for right now, hoping you'll be able to live without that for just a while longer.

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you'll have a great weekend.
Marc, _______________________

Mar 13, 2012

[SUM] - And this is where we are at right now:

It's Tuesday and that means it's short-update-madness day for me, for you ... for all of us so to speak.

First on the list of many things: 'Loner's Peak' and it's ongoing series.
   During my holiday last month I decided on a couple of things. First of which being the name of the series will be 'Omnivore' for the time being, hopefully only subject to change if a publisher subjects to the name. That being said - I'm still waiting for that one reply to my queries telling me 'Yes this agency is in fact offering you representation for your work.'
Though not all queries have been replied to yet, but the thing to do will be mostlikely sending out another heap of those in the near future.

Second on the list: 'Bloodstained Shadows' - my fan-fiction
   I've been going on about this project for a while now and the editing has been going surprisingly slowly until now, but just as expected it took up a lot of speed with part three of the four. And as of right now there is roughly a fifth of the whole text still to be done. Expect that to get finished up soon/-ish.

Third: 'Sleeptalking' - the Victorian horror
   Editing run number four, which was originally announced to happen parallel to the editing of 'Bloodstained Shadows' will pick up as soon as I'm done with BS - CoaLS. That should put it on par with Loner's Peak.

Forth: 'The Bamboo Labyrinth' - the short-short short
    We be finished as my schedule allows me to... there are a couple of things I need to address myself to that are just simply more important. Take it as unfinished for the time being, although there isn't that much that still has to be added to complete the picture.

Fifth: Project 'Nightingale' and 'Kaleidoscope'
    Both of which have been subject to a lot of thinking over the one short week that was my holiday in the U.A.E. Most important thing to note is that there will be a name-swap for the two.
The story formerly know as "Nightingale" will be renamed to 'Heavy Silence' for now (although I'm not completely happy with it yet) and "Kaleidoscope" will be - much to anybody's confusion renamed to 'Nightingale'. Also... the prologue I had posted on this site for 'Nightingale' - now referred to as 'Heavy Silence' is heavily outdated and might as well be re-posted in the future.

And last but not least - a short scribble from my notebook taken from the notes to 'Heavy Silence' so you see I haven't solely been sitting at the beach or pool the whole time (which in fact I did :s) :


'My name? You'll find it to be utterly pointless but if you so desire to know...
Michael - it's the mashed potatoes of name seeking: no matter how you turn it or try to spice it up, it never changes. Helplessly bland, boring and not even the shot of milk, or in my case whisky, added anything to the mix.'


No offense to the Michael's of this world btw... it's not my opinion but that of the main character.

Aaaaand there you go... Short-update-madness successfully uploaded. Enjoy the overload of information.
As always thanks for reading and have a great week.
Marc, now quickly back to editing again - maybe I'll get that part done today. (Editz: Yays... only one part left to go!)

Mar 11, 2012

[RBS] - So it's been a month already

That awkward moment when you realize you wanted to post something last Friday and notice you kinda forgot it atogether with the whole week in between till now too.
Well, yeah... sucks, doesn't it? This calls for the facepalm-lion!

But to be fair - I was somewhat held up by the most recent IEM event during the last week and it proved I was maybe a bit too successful on my endeavor to pretend the world outside my apartment doesn't exist any more. And now, the moment has arisen in which I will change that yet again! Oh you silly writer you...

So, might as well view this as some sort of return to at least parts of my schedule. And no - I haven't been doing nothing for the whole time, even during my holiday in the U.A.E. I was in fact rather productive... which sadly fell off a bit again after re-entering Europe *cough*
Anyways, I'm here to finally get done with my editing spree for Bloodstained Shadows - which takes far longer than I would have ever anticipated, but I'd rather take it slow and do it right than rushing it and jacking it up big time. Also in the grand scheme of things there is the start of my next actual story, whilst Loner's Peak is still hanging about out there playing the waiting game with and for me.

But I am feeling rather tired right now and I can't really tell when I'll be falling asleep again so I'd leave it at that for right.
As always, thanks for reading, have a great weekend. Posting will pick up again as of now - don't give procrastination a chance!
Marc, fierce, eager and sleepy

P.S.: kittehs incoming
P.P.S.: several kittehs up - prepare for bad humor

Feb 9, 2012

[RBSUM] So... uhm what to type?

First post of the month about nine days in? Yeah... beast mode engaged.
I'm trying really hard not to repeat myself from my last post but it's still kinda the same. I've been wrapping my brain around the whole editing business ever since and I'm coming along fairly consistently. For what it's worth I already knew the second part of Bloodstained Shadows would be rather harrowing so I'll just have to put up with it I guess.
But no worries! Everything will be done sooner or later. Just have a little bit more patience with me. (And I'm well aware of the fact that pleading for 'patience' in the Internet equals to something like 'Please throw a rock at my face.') Anyhow with all the unfortunate distractions about and around, like for instance - studying or looking into the whole teacher thing again or flying to Dubai, it'll take just a little bit longer.
On the plus side of things I'm really happy with how the story turned out so far and I can't wait to upload the proper finished version. (God I feel stupid for uploading the first one.)

Scheduled updates or at least something on the likes of that will commence again in March, as I'm more or less out of reach of my laptop for a good while from next week onwards. All that leaving the country stuff.

And I'll upload a bunch of kitties once I'll get to my ma's place or well... at least at some point over the weekend. Sounds like a deal? Hm... why am I asking? Sure it does... You'll just have to take it anyways...

But that's all from me for the moment. As always thanks for reading (and your patience with me).
Marc, slowly advancing forward.

Jan 26, 2012

[RBSUM] - Yeah, I'm falling behind

... on the schedule. I know I know, I'll make it up to you somehow.
But today's post is not about making those excuses but rather giving the reason. I'm feeling sick as of lately (and I didn't sleep too well last night) so getting even the few things edited today was a no-go. My minds going on a rampage and concentrating seems next to impossible. Not that this would particularly get on my nerves or make me feel "sick" in any way or form, it's actually the other way round. Concerning my personal life... not so much with what I'd like to call "work".
I'm just blabbering about pointless stuff most of the time, which is especially funny and a bit stressful if three people want to talk to me at the same time about totally different things... as if that wouldn't be hard enough clear-minded.
So that's the hard life of Marc Winter, aspiring author for you... but for real ... I'm kinda under the weather right now and I didn't get much done because of 683 Marc's somewhere up there, each roaring his head into a different direction, all pulling on different strings. I did manage to get over to editing a few pages of Bloodstained Shadows and will continue on with that, once I feel better again I'm sure the pace will also pick up... deadlline's pretty much the 10th of february for me so I'll aim for that... should not be too much of a problem all in all. The most strain part is without doubt part II: Memories of the Twilight, and I'm about halfway through that already... part III and IV will be quite fun I think. I'm really looking forward to those.
But for as of right now I'll better get myself to sleep so I'll hopefully feel a lot fitter by tomorrow already.

As always, thanks for listening to my whining, good night or 'good day' to each of you,
Marc... always with the sickness

Jan 23, 2012

[RBSUM] - Happy New Year ... again!

I know, I know. I'm repeating myself. Quite frankly I'm well aware of that, be sure about that.
Nevertheless... Happy New Year everybody!
I'm pretty sure a lot of you out there will already know, but for those who didn't: Today's the Chinese new year, so they'll be celebrating this now for the next 15(!) days - party on! But more importantly - it's a year of the dragon. And as a dragon myself this means for me not only that I'm turning 24 in September, but yeah a few other things as well.
Especially as the past has shown to me, rabbit-years (in this most recent case: the major part of 2011) are usually filled by quite the bunch of negative events, only to be followed by the highly prosperous dragon-year.

Right about now, directly after stating this, I'm sure a few, maybe even a lot of you are thinking "to hell with these superstitions" and I'd just like to say that I don't necessarily believe in them either.
Yet what I do believe in are two other things.
First of which being human willpower. You have to really want something to be able to achieve it and this strong willpower will be able to create paths for you that you never would have imagined to exist. Your own imaginations sets the limits to your success!
And the other one, directly relating to number one - if you really believe in something, are talking yourself into it... it's gonna become true.
Really... it's the way all sorts of horoscopes work. Usually they are vaguely written enough so that almost everything would fit the prediction and it's never gonna be wrong. A lot of people see that as something bad... but truth be told - it's more about what you make of it than the actual wording of one little scrap of text. If you believe in the horoscope and wanted for it to turn into reality and the usual stuff kicks in... well... it worked out, didn't it? For you and the person who wrote the whatever.
Of course I understand that this point of view isn't for a lot of people and I'm okay with that. I'm not even trying to argue. Only thing I'm saying is: this one's mine and I like it if it works out (and hey..., it did for me so far.)

But enough about all the controversial aspects of this new year (and I didn't even mention that aliens are apparently going to kill us all by the end of the year just because the CYCLICAL calender of the Mayan doesn't switch into its next cycle but rather tells us all to go die in a fire, err by water... yeah right) let's make the best of it, no matter which calendar you are following. It's gonna be a busy year, I already know that much.
I already said it before, but I just like the sound of it:
Let's shoot for the stars and even manage to get there, because: why the hell not?

On a side note - first part of Bloodstained Shadows is done with the re-editing. And Scarlet Dawn is now 11 pages with roughly 8.000 words longer. And I didn't even change a thing concerning the actual story, as it will be left untouched, just as mentioned. Next up is part two - Memories of the Twilight. I'll probably start on that as soon as this blog post goes live.
I'd also like to point you guys to -> over here <- where you will find a 4.400 (4.800?) long short concerning the same topic. Again... just read it as fantasy if you're not into the WoW business, believe me, it's worth it - and leave a review if you'd be so kind.

As always, thank you very much for your attention.
Marc, Dovahkiin by general norms of speaking

Jan 20, 2012

[SUM] - Wolves again

Yes I know it's Friday and I know it's not time for stuff like this and that I'm ignoring the time table I set up by myself... Well actually, that's the good part about it... it's MINE... so I can alter it.

Anyways.. hear me out on this one, as mentioned a couple of times already. I've been doing a lot of re-editing currently to keep me busy whilst waiting for all the wonderful responses to my queries - if I get any...
And so it came to be that something a bit out of the way attracted my attention and here I am now writing my blog post. Well, not exactly... something's still missing in the line-up. But where's the fun with going all into dry details if can just give you ... THIS:

*insert link here*

Once you've clicked on it, you will find yourself on fan fiction.net right at the start of my latest upload (happened today) - the one-shot short The Howl of Blood. It's a mere 4.400 words long. Again it is a World of Warcraft FanFiction ... yes it is, BUT just read it as fantasy? please? can you do me this favor? It's not too heavy on any story driven fact you'd have to know to get it.
But ... to be on the safe side: rated M for mature.

There you go... I guess you can consider it a Storytime all in all though not within the blog post itself.
Feel free to check it out, it's not too long after all and leave me a review over there if you think I deserve a good one... or well... a bad one too I guess. Those pesky review can be posted even without an account - yays for anonymity!

As always, thanks for reading.
Marc - actively starving at the moment

P.S.: Oh and btw... I'm not sure how fanfiction.net is counting the words, but they say the story is about 4.800 words long... Not much of a diffence in my eyes but yeah.

Jan 17, 2012

[SUM] - Yeah this time it definitely isn't Sunday anymore anywhere

But let's make the best of it and call Sunday's one a ninja-update. That would surely be most suiting its appearance.

In other news, I finally managed to put up two pics of Mauzi III, the little princess that declared my mom's house her new kingdom, which now governs with a plushy paw of cuteness and way too much energy.
Concerning the writing stuff I should be actually talking about: I right in the middle of editing Bloodstained Shadows, just as mentioned last time and frankly I'm quite positive on the fact that it will take me a while to get down with it. It's basically a complete overhaul, updating the story-telling mechanics from version 1.0 to 3.5. Which, it turns out, also adds quite a bit of length. I'm not even done with the first part of it ("book"?) and it already grew by about 3.000 words, only by taking my time re-reading it and killing off some of the repetition in the phrases... I also already removed the Eredrun glossary in the end for reading comfort. It's a neat little thingamajig to have when you hold it in your hands as an actual printed book, but online? Well... not so much. So people who were hating me for this choice in layout will no longer have a reason to ... well, hate me that much.
The whole thing will go up on fanfiction.net as soon as it's done and no, I won't be posting it as a separate story. It will take the place of the old one.
I'll get you updated on all that good stuff once it's done and all uploaded. Any reviews, ratings are appreciated, whether of the old version (over here) or the new one (ETA: ??)

Also... tomorrow is blackout day! Go interwebs companies against SOPA! Stop that bill from ever being discussed ever again.

And to end today's post with something completely off topic: I finally got my passport! That means I'd actually be allowed to enter the US. Wouldn't it be swell if there were a reason for that to be of importance?

Anyways... as always thanks for reading, enjoy your week and we'll see each other Friday - I hope.
Marc, dreaming crazy stuff involving the storyline of Crisis 2 and lightsabers (please don't sue me for using the word Mr. Lucas)

Jan 13, 2012

[ST] - The Bamboo Labyrinth - Part 7: Depth

Well, hello there ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to the most recent installment of The Bamboo Labyrinth - the short I've been working on for quite a while now. The core memory, that the text is all about, has finally been discovered, though the meaning of the title still remains somewhat hidden, only hinted upon up until now.
In today's slightly shorter excerpt we will delve into the core of it once again, uncovering a bit more of what lies beyond the curtain of the chosen mind. What shall we discover? Find out below!

For first-time readers, as always - I advise you to start reading from the very beginning.

[ST] - The Bamboo Labyrinth - Part 1: Introduction



The silence around us seemed to hold everything in place, pristine and clean we found ourselves prepared to overcome eons of time. But it quickly became clear to me again how my mind was only fooling with at the time. Though the real reason why I snapped out of this mesmerized state was her doing.
It sounds so clumsy that it’s stupid, but that is just reality unfolds before you.
She lost her balance. 
Threatening to just keel over on the spot, I hurried over to her, hardly managing to catch her or even break her fall. Luckily she wasn’t hurt at all, stammered something about being used to hitting the ground all of a sudden. And so this moment became also the first one I can remember, when I felt like a complete full-blown idiot. How could I imagine that she actually was speaking the truth? It didn’t dawn on me till a little bit later that I heard her speak. How she, without any hesitation, broke apart the picture in my mind of her being just a beautiful, yet completely silent and thus cold statue.
In any way, for that moment, I would have sworn that she was trying to be sarcastic, but as it turns out there was a little bit more behind this, for her abundant, sentence.
It’s hard to understand if you look at it from a perfectly healthy point of view, but those things you see as normal aren’t for everybody. A somewhat sad and harsh truth life holds behind curtains of lead. But don’t try to waste any of your precious time thinking about it too much, for just as it seems that the number of these curtains is to be growing to an endless amount, so you will see that there are even far more people standing behind those. The rabbit hole is infinite and just like that it overwhelms you.
A few things in her body just didn’t work out that well she put a simple truth in simple words, her balance being one of the more troublesome. How dangerous this would be for her life was something she didn’t want to think about and I didn’t question her on that. Eventually everybody goes, so why cut the time we have until then with pointlessly thinking about the moment when it’s all too late?


As a heads up for all readers, this little series will be continuing for maybe one or two more weeks before it finally comes to a close. You will know  when this happens. ("Geez man, it's finally over, man...")

For a few more bloggish parts of today's post:
I'm actively starting to re-edit and polish my semy-old fanfiction "Blood-stained Shadows - Chronicles of a Lost Soul" as well as "Sleeptalking".
Yes you read it right, Sleeptalking... I'm not only talking about it, I'm doing it. And yes... again...
I'm still not fully happy with it.
Concerning my fanfict. The most common question should probably be the "why" looming around almost any corner in the artificial labyrinth that is the human mind. Well... it just felt right to do so(and I've got a plan *hint hint*). Aside from that, I've been meaning to clean out a lot of the more ... well... idiotic mistakes that sneak into such a manuscript despite all the correcting.
Best example, also labelling me as illiterate -- throne and thrown. Yes you hear the difference when speaking them out loud, but no you don't really hear it when only saying it in your mind. And I only recently (with Loner's Peak and Sleeptalking edit n°X) I've converted to reading everything out loud; much to the entertainment of my surrounding... hearing the same sentence 3 to 4 times, only one word changing per reading.
And whatever you just thought - it's actually is kinda fun.

As always, thanks for reading. Check back on Sunday for yet another pointless update on the weekend. I really need to get some content for that.
Marc, re-re-re-re-re-editing more stuff

P.S.: Kittehs finally going up - two pictures of Mauzi III, heir to a legacy.

Jan 10, 2012

[SUM] - In the middle of somewhere

Heyhooo ladies and gents.

Here I am hoping you've been having a good day so far as I take my short rest from creativity and gathering favor in the name of the Empire whilst standing idly in Kaas City in the background.
So, I am rupturing my connection to the force - or rather the connection of the force to Beni James Honeypaw - because I made a promise to give you a short preview of 'Fool's Flight' this Tuesday...
Well guess what - here it comes.
And, oh wait, it gets even better... I said something about putting up an excerpt from the prologue, didn't I? So, yeah - I changed my opinion on that. But instead you will get to read the whole(!) first Interval!
For those wondering - an "interval" will be somewhat of the equivalent to what you'd normally simply call "chapter".

But enough of my usual ramblings - enjoy the first interval of the second part of my little series piloted by Loner's Peak - which will most likely be called the 'Omnivore' series.


Interval 01



As always, thanks for reading.
Come back Friday for the next part of the Bamboo Labyrinth. It's getting closer to its end.
Marc, bowing in the name of Emperor Beni James Palpatine

Jan 9, 2012

[RBS] - It's Sunday somewhere...

Well, most certainly yes... and that's all I wanted to state for this update... good bye again.


What? You still here? Shouldn't you be sleeping or something? Ah well... might as well tell you that I just got home from visiting friends, playing a game of 'Let's hunt down Dracula' as we don't have any chance of killing him at all because he's from a time when vampires were still dangerous and cool and not solely sparkly. But enough hate for the strange vampires for one uh, night.
I probably should give in to the strange feeling of wanting to sleep for a change and collapse on my bed for now. Tomorrow will be another fun day of sending queries and likewise entertaining stuff.

Anyhow, enjoy the rest of your (not-so-much)Sunday and have a hopefully, great start into the new week coming up. See ya Tuesday with some actual updates and not only me talking about... well, nothing. I might even think about posting something small from the prologue of 'Fool's Flight' - sounds good? Hoped as much.

As always, thanks for reading.
Marc, apparently Mina Harker and Lord Godalming at the same time.

Jan 6, 2012

[ST] - The Bamboo Labyrinth - Part 6: A shadow in the Light

Hey hey... yes I know it is the first Friday of the new year and as I promised to you - here is the next part of The Bamboo Labyrinth for all of you to read and hopefully enjoy.
I know there will be at least a few people who didn't think I'd actually pick this back up again and to those people I only have one thing to say: "Shun the non-believers!"

As per usual if you are new to this little story of mine I'd advise you to start off right at the beginning so you can fully enjoy the experience. I won't be putting up links for each part anymore though, as I was aiming at restructuring these posts a bit anyways. Too many pointless links only clutter up the site..
But as I was saying - link to part 1, coming right up.

The Bamboo Labyrinth - Part 1: Introduction

And now for the actual update - enjoy.


The rustling, or whatever sound it was that presented itself to me was quickly discarded as the sound all great old houses would utter during the day or night. Yet the feeling that arose alongside it was something more like knowing when two eyes rest upon you far from your own sight. A suspicion transcending every normal form of perception and directly correlates to something more vile and primitive as instincts. Though, one should not make the mistake to take this ‘primitive’ as a negative statement. In this, our world one side of a coin always needs the other. They depend on their opposite. As light needs the shadow to exist and have a meaning, so does our intelligence rely on our once primal foundation. The day we shalt lose all our instincts will most likely be the day our race dies out. But enough of this diversion my mind send us along so happily.
She was there, together with me in the same room. I didn’t see her, as she kept herself hidden away like a scared little puppy but I already knew it. It wasn’t fear, yet I could almost feel how nervous she was just from me finding out about this room.
The pointless tension in the air was ever rising, up until the point that I boldly decided to make an end to it. I called into the small room like a daft old man or stupid young child. The words leave my mouth without a sound. I dare say I’m unable to remember any of them, though in all honesty, they can’t be too hard to guess. The game is over, would fit the scene. Or ‘no need to hide from me, I won’t bite.’ Yet in any of those lucid creations the mind of an adult already swings along, ripping apart the fine pristine words of the youth.
The moment that follows is one of those I cherish. It has its own place in my heart when I watch closely how one of the walls is pulled to the side, revealing another small room directly adjacent to this one. A girl is standing in the newly opened doorway, her hands slightly shaking. She even tries to still hide behind a part of this loose piece of wall.
She seemed so frail, to vulnerable and on a completely different note almost longing. But what it was, that she appeared to be seeking so desperately is something I never really found out, at least not directly.
At first it proved hard to believe how she should a member of the family housing us as guests, the way how she was shaking, looking afraid like that. But something else quickly took over in my eyes when looking at her.
The gloom she radiated seemed to cease and instead something entirely different emerged.  I wanted to take her in, keep watch over her, just from this sight. I wanted to grab her hand and never let go of it again.
It feels like everything happened on a mere whim of mine, it was all so sudden I hardly understood my own thoughts. And how can you in such a moment?
Her hair was blond, golden for me even. Her eyes of light blue like the afternoon sky on a sunny day and her skin would surely feel as soft as a freshly put down pillow. Her body was nicely developed, though she wasn’t as slim as my first sight tried to convince me of. As I stood there she seemed to be everything I ever wished for or could ever think of wanting. Yet now, it also somehow strikes me how ordinary this memory looks.
But it’s not about the picture you paint, but the feeling it evokes.
Hardly more than a minute had passed and I had already lived through three to four possible lives with her at my side, ending in various drama and romance and even comedy. A feeling only the worst romantics amongst us will ever understand. It’s something I’m not too proud of, but everything has its advantages as well as most likely its own disadvantages. And all this time, she was standing there only shacking as four lives had passed meanwhile and several generations had been born and raised into greatness. She was so frail, she needed protection, it screamed at me. And soon enough I would find out why.


*click here to keep on reading with part 7*

There you go, next part coming right up next Friday. Same place - 'bout the same time. I admit lengthwise I got a bit carried away with this one, but I hope it won't matter too much.

Anyways, as always thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it and that you'll feel the need to drop by next week again.
Marc, disgustingly light side oriented hobby-Sith

P.S.: I'll be on the lookout for some new kittehs, promise and I'll upload the picture of Mauzi III during the upcoming week, once I get around to scanning it.

Jan 3, 2012

[SUM] - I'm really starting to hate that word...

Good evening if you're from Europe, good afternoon and/or good morning to any international reader.
I just got done with my little workout routine for the day so I'm good to go on possibly just falling asleep as I'm typing this. Hopefully feeling like this after the workout will ease up sometime soon.

Anyways, it's Tuesday and here I am, giving you what I promised to you. I hope the new year has gone easy on you during these first three days and everything's fine.

The word in question is without a doubt 'synopsis' - contrary to writing a query letter - which finds itself between quite challenging and actual fun whilst playing around with the first couple of sentences (despite the somewhat harrowing nature it takes on in later stages) writing a synopsis is something I personally ... well, hate - to put it this blunt. Something in my mind just doesn't like distilling those roughly 100 pages of work in font size 10 down to four, three or even better, 2 pages of nothing but information and names (keep in mind - a frequent tip I used to get concerning the query is to try and keep the style of the novel ... now have fun with that on two pages).
But... no matter how much you start nagging and cursing about it, it's always something you have to do... no way around it, so just bite the bullet and get on working. And that's precisely what I did during these first few days of the year. I'm quite happy with the outcome so far and it should serve its purpose sufficiently without doubt. Only thing now to hope for is that there are agents out there who think the same way.
Let's go conquer a world! May the query-ing being!

... Yeah, I had to butcher that word.

No excerpts for the moment. I highly doubt you want to read any of the spoiler ridden synopsis right now. Though I might publish any 'rescoursses' affiliated to 'Loner's Peak' at some point in time IF they should prove successful. But that's still a good bit of time ahead of ourselves.

As always, thanks for reading!
Marc, apparently an 'Omega-deadbeat'

Jan 1, 2012

[RBSITMOTN] - Happy New Year

The title says it all (more or less):

Happy 2012!

The year of 2011 is now part of the past and a completely fresh one is already lying ahead of us, waiting for the people of this world to make good use of it.
(Let's just skip the fact that its not 2012 for all religions and beliefs out there - though I know that the 23rd of January is Chinese New Year and it's gonna be year of the dragon - so hell yeah! going to be a good one!)

Anyways I wish all of you best of luck and health for 2012. Keep up with your New Year's resolutions and don't let them slip right away.

I got a couple of things planned for myself too and I'll be trying my hardest to be as strict with myself as possible.

Getting back into the diet plan and work-outs being probably the most important ones. But also something of similar importance, so it shouldn't be forgotten - though it might sound a bit comical or at least straight up silly at first - trying to be more like Beni.
And I'm not talking about the being all dusty and/or furry part. ... Nope... not about being a bear either.
Don't worry too much... I still know what I'm talking about.

In any case... my motto for this year will be "do or die".
Sounds harsh, but at least it's effective. And yet again: "nope" - I'm not suicidal.
Though I guess at least a few people will try to correct me into something like "it's 2012 - we're all gonna die anyways on the 21st of December". To those people I will probably say: "don't believe all the stuff the crazy old men on the TV try to talk you into (even if the talk about the Maya)" - or think about it differently... we're all going to die at some point - I'd just rather have the do-part of it now and the dying bit a good couple of years later. Sounds good and convincing? Yeah, to me too.

Enjoy the New Year, have a great one everybody and expect lots of exciting updates on the site starting off next Tuesday. Greetings from Germany and as always, thanks for reading.
Marc, not as fluffy as his plush-bear (-1 to the Beni-o-meter)

P.S.: I think I got a new kitteh I could share with you somewhere around here.