Oct 18, 2011

[SUM] - Murphy's Law in Action right here, right now...

Hello to everybody out there who found his or her way to this post. Unfortunately I can't really great you with an more upbeat spirit as my day's been going from bad to worse and back again to bad so it could start all over again.

In short: The stuff I should be writing about on Sundays usually happens between Monday and Tuesday.
In other words and a bit more serious-ish: My pc - or well, my laptop rather - is currently unavailable, please try again later.
And now let me ask you something - what did you do this morning at 5 a.m.?
I for my part was searching for a slip of paper, holding the guarantee for the laptop I bought roughly one year ago. Luckily I managed to find it after a while, and that without even having to panic beforehand. And even better - fortunately the stupid thing decided to do that right about now, because in a couple of weeks that guarantee wouldn't have been worth anything... So... I took the thing back to the shop, they had a brief look at it and decided to keep it in. But they'll have to send it to the manufacturer ... so this will take a while... 2 to 3 weeks was the estimate they gave me. They also politely let me know that in case of a software error, for whatever reason there may be for one, it is expected that the data on its harddrive will be lost - go, Sony go, I guess?
Again, luckily for me, as not the idiot most people believe me to be, everything of actual importance has a backup somewhere else - a completely different data carrier entirely. At least that worst-case-scenario-preperation-nonsense came to use at some point, right? In other words: non of my texts, shorts, stories etc will be lost. (But I guess I couldn't say the same for most of my music, pictures and... save-game-data *cry*)

So, how comes I'm writing to you right now? I have a second laptop in my apartment, it's as simple as that. Unfortunately this fella right here is .. well... a bit old. He's turning 9 next spring and ... his vents are bent to a degree. He'll try to imitate a helicopter every once in a while, I'm jus' sayin'...
So let's hope he wont fail me too during the next weeks, until I'll get my other laptop back - hopefully fully functional again.

As for the Short-Update-Madness... oh there he goes ... trying to lift off as if he's on a helipad right now... erm... where was I? Ah yes... I didn't have the chance to prepare too much for today, so I don't even have an excerpt at hand for this post, but give me a second - maybe I'll find something...

Ah there we go, that should do...


And it was already in 1980 that travelling outside the city was deemed to be fatal. From then on out you couldn’t even leave this place anymore. The world started to slowly break apart, communication didn’t always manage to hold up as areas to live grew scarcer around the planet. Only the big cities survived. But then..., even that day came. When one of those perished. The message of Vegas travelled around the world quickly.
The whole city... it just... died.
It happened overnight.... It didn’t really get through to us why and checking out what had actually occurred was impossible. From that moment on, we all started huddling up together even more. I still remember that day. The filters alone wouldn’t cut it anymore. A bitter realization to come to. No-one knew what to do at first. Everybody was helpless. But then some smartass came around out of nowhere and presented the solution for all our troubles. Of course the authorities blindly jumped for it without investing any further thought at all. They all feared more for their own lives than those of others.


I promissed something on the likes of a short timeline for the background of the story a while ago, and this partial even has it's little cliffhanger in the end. Should fulfil it's purpose at least.

You see, I have a copy of Loner's Peak on this pc too, unfortunately the non-existant backwards-compability completely screwed it over in terms of its type face. So yeah - I'll have to figure something out, so that I can continue my work on the story. I wanted to get it as close to done as possible till the end of this month... but this'll throw me off a bit. Ah well... It's merely a setback! (obvious reference is obvious)

But as I mentioned the whole thing flung itself back to worse as I now sit here with a blanket(!) keeping me warm after I almost spilled a whole glass of water onto my little helicopter friend. I guess I just shouldn't touch anything for the rest of the day... Can't be sure anymore... Something even more terrible could happen...

Let's just hope that computer's gonna break thingy isn't turning into an anual fad... last year around this time my old HP kicked it for a few days too...

Oh and by the way! Keep your fingers crossed! The last day of entry for the Blizzard Writing contest was on Saturday - let's hope my 'Lament of the Wolf' will draw some attention!

I'll leave it at that for now, hope you're having a better day than me.
As always thanks for reading.
Marc, it's always 'bout the bitching around!

P.S.: No kitteh today - the laptop took that one along on his 'holiday'

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