Aug 23, 2011

The off-limits of a text

Well... I have to admit, the header sounds a bit rant-y-er than I wanted for it to be, but meh... It's just a play on words... which probably doesn't make that much sense but yeah.

And still the text I wanted to talk about is somewhat off-limits, because it's for another writing contest - and as my often so underestimated common sense tells me - I shouldn't be posting too much of something like this on the interwebz beforehand.
And still I just can't hold it back completely... argh...
There you go ... as long as I still have the right to do so (frikken contest rules)... a short extract of the short I've been working on during the past few days...
(It might not be for those faint of heart)


Edited as of September 20th: Nothing to be seen here anymore unfortunately - text entered the competition, therefore the excerpt had to be removed for the time being. 


It's not done yet, but it's growing quite nicely. So it should only take a few more days before I'm finished.

Now after having distracted you once again let us move on to something different. I slightly updated the page for Loner's Peak, offering links to published posts containing background on the story as well as straightening out a few other minor things that weren't up to date.

Can you believe it? That's already all for today... let's call it another short-update-madness...
As always, thanks for reading
Marc Wolfington

P.S.: No P.S. today.

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