Aug 8, 2011

Back and already away again

Sheesh... what a trip...

So... to get the whole blog-part out of the way - first a few nice and good (personal) news for a start-up:

I'm back from the Wacken Open Air 2011 and it was a blast, just as we all had hoped for (although the planing ahead of it was kinda screwed up). Everybody had a great time, you got to know a whole lot of new people, listened to good live music and *cough* got a little bit drunk *cough* ... so yeah .. the usual

Now the not so good parts amongst the recent events:

My cat decided to ALMOST starve herself to death at home in Saxony - so I'm not quite in Bremen at the moment, and just a little bit further south (460 km ~ 286 miles).
Which also means that yesterday was kinda rushed all the way... we packed our stuff and tents, got to Itzehoe (20 km ~ 12,5 miles) to catch our train from there to Bremen (160 km ~ 100 miles).
We started rather early, got out and on our way just before the first bigger wave of people leaving that morning and reached Bremen round about 11:15 am. All of us were really tired (last night has been really short, not only due to heavy rainfalls drumming against the outside of the tent) YET shortly after getting home I received the call from (my 2nd) home informing me about the current (dire) situation... a descicion had to be made quickly and off we were towards Saxony.
A booming 4 hours later we reached my old home and were welcomed by a walking skeleton which used to be my cat... She looked terrible, the poor thing (and I felt terrible seeing her in such a state...) My grand-ma told us the whole story how she started to eat less and less up till the end when it was barely anything, and how she called the vet in for additional help
BUT ...
the good news in the end... as soon as me and my mom/mum/ma (whatever you would fancy calling my mother) came home to her she started purring again, happily miew-ing about the house and - best of all - eating again... still not too much (not like before we started our trip) but that's something that has to get back to normal slowly bit by bit.
And right now, she's sleeping next to me, sometimes raising her head over to me with a happy (and astonishingly healthy) purr along to it.

So... now that that's out of the way ... back to business... or something like that...
I'll be heading back to Bremen during the course of the week, where I will take up my virtual pen once again.
If everything goes well (which hardly ever happens) I should be able to make quite a bit of progress on 'Loner's Peak' till the end of August, which would allow me to start fooling around with more stuff for the following parts that currently go by the working titles 'Fool's Flight' and 'Savior's Haven' ,as well as some other stuff that I currently call 'Nightingale' and 'The Bamboo Labyrith' (not that one in Alnwick Garden btw).

So... I'd better stop for now, there's my cat coming over to me, probably aiming for my lap, looking for a bit more attention from me. Judging from her body... you could probably call her Victoria Beckham at the moment...

There you go - as always thanks for reading,
Marc, keeper of the cat

P.S.: New Kitteh uploaded
P.P.S.: Real Kitty just got up again and is happily eating away on her food. =^.^=

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