Aug 18, 2011

Aftermathing it up

First off, before I get to the things I actually wanted to write about - as you can probably tell from the little box on the right side of this page, Sir Beni James Honeypaw of MacLeod now has his own little profile on and has already received all necessary clearance to be able to post his own stuff on this blog.
It highly depends whether one views this as an improvement or not... just, well, be nice to him... okay? ... At least a little bit. He has a hard enough time living with me...

Now... I had another look at my own blog post from last Sunday and I realized how little info on 'Loner's Peak' I had actually put up on this site so far. Sorry about all that.
So a lot of my ramblings might seem like strange and not very sensible (got my first negative rating on webook telling me exactly that not too long ago). But fear not! It all ties up quite nicely overall.
The prologue as such, as you can read it over yonder, gives quite a good idea of setting for the story, still most of the stuff is not addressed directly before chapter 2.

To give you the general idea and make it easier to understand the whole stuff about the Jameston Company from a few days ago - in a nutshell:
The plot of the story is set in 2003 A.D. - or 40 A.A. how the year is also know to a group of religious fanatics. Mankind is wasting away in the larger cities, hiding behind thick clouds of industrial smog which is solely produced as a frail and volatile means of survival.
The atmosphere of the Earth is contaminated by sulfuric acids ever since the 1960's. Nobody knows (or wants to know) what triggered this change of the planet or has any real explanation for this shifting towards a kind of Venus-like atmosphere.
The flora and fauna of the Earth has been reduced to almost nothingness, most kinds of animals and plants are already extinct, as nothing outside of large areas covered in smog is able to withstand the highly concentrated corrosive acid rain. And even for man the means of survival run thin.
The last lifestring they - we - are attached to is the technology provided by the large Ventilation Companies which are scattered across the Earth making profit from the planets suffering by offering the simple bargain: those able to pay survive. And one of said Ventilation Companies is the Jameston Ventilation Corp (short: JVC) which I tried to showcase a few days ago.

There you go - everything kept short - for more details stay tuned. I'm sure I'll give away a few more things now and then... next up on the to do list would be a look into the family history of the Jamestons in a few days or so.

That would be all for right now.
As always, thanks for reading.
Marc, the now-suddenly-shorter-haired

P.S.: New pseudo-kitteh coming up soon

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