Jan 17, 2012

[SUM] - Yeah this time it definitely isn't Sunday anymore anywhere

But let's make the best of it and call Sunday's one a ninja-update. That would surely be most suiting its appearance.

In other news, I finally managed to put up two pics of Mauzi III, the little princess that declared my mom's house her new kingdom, which now governs with a plushy paw of cuteness and way too much energy.
Concerning the writing stuff I should be actually talking about: I right in the middle of editing Bloodstained Shadows, just as mentioned last time and frankly I'm quite positive on the fact that it will take me a while to get down with it. It's basically a complete overhaul, updating the story-telling mechanics from version 1.0 to 3.5. Which, it turns out, also adds quite a bit of length. I'm not even done with the first part of it ("book"?) and it already grew by about 3.000 words, only by taking my time re-reading it and killing off some of the repetition in the phrases... I also already removed the Eredrun glossary in the end for reading comfort. It's a neat little thingamajig to have when you hold it in your hands as an actual printed book, but online? Well... not so much. So people who were hating me for this choice in layout will no longer have a reason to ... well, hate me that much.
The whole thing will go up on fanfiction.net as soon as it's done and no, I won't be posting it as a separate story. It will take the place of the old one.
I'll get you updated on all that good stuff once it's done and all uploaded. Any reviews, ratings are appreciated, whether of the old version (over here) or the new one (ETA: ??)

Also... tomorrow is blackout day! Go interwebs companies against SOPA! Stop that bill from ever being discussed ever again.

And to end today's post with something completely off topic: I finally got my passport! That means I'd actually be allowed to enter the US. Wouldn't it be swell if there were a reason for that to be of importance?

Anyways... as always thanks for reading, enjoy your week and we'll see each other Friday - I hope.
Marc, dreaming crazy stuff involving the storyline of Crisis 2 and lightsabers (please don't sue me for using the word Mr. Lucas)

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