Jan 23, 2012

[RBSUM] - Happy New Year ... again!

I know, I know. I'm repeating myself. Quite frankly I'm well aware of that, be sure about that.
Nevertheless... Happy New Year everybody!
I'm pretty sure a lot of you out there will already know, but for those who didn't: Today's the Chinese new year, so they'll be celebrating this now for the next 15(!) days - party on! But more importantly - it's a year of the dragon. And as a dragon myself this means for me not only that I'm turning 24 in September, but yeah a few other things as well.
Especially as the past has shown to me, rabbit-years (in this most recent case: the major part of 2011) are usually filled by quite the bunch of negative events, only to be followed by the highly prosperous dragon-year.

Right about now, directly after stating this, I'm sure a few, maybe even a lot of you are thinking "to hell with these superstitions" and I'd just like to say that I don't necessarily believe in them either.
Yet what I do believe in are two other things.
First of which being human willpower. You have to really want something to be able to achieve it and this strong willpower will be able to create paths for you that you never would have imagined to exist. Your own imaginations sets the limits to your success!
And the other one, directly relating to number one - if you really believe in something, are talking yourself into it... it's gonna become true.
Really... it's the way all sorts of horoscopes work. Usually they are vaguely written enough so that almost everything would fit the prediction and it's never gonna be wrong. A lot of people see that as something bad... but truth be told - it's more about what you make of it than the actual wording of one little scrap of text. If you believe in the horoscope and wanted for it to turn into reality and the usual stuff kicks in... well... it worked out, didn't it? For you and the person who wrote the whatever.
Of course I understand that this point of view isn't for a lot of people and I'm okay with that. I'm not even trying to argue. Only thing I'm saying is: this one's mine and I like it if it works out (and hey..., it did for me so far.)

But enough about all the controversial aspects of this new year (and I didn't even mention that aliens are apparently going to kill us all by the end of the year just because the CYCLICAL calender of the Mayan doesn't switch into its next cycle but rather tells us all to go die in a fire, err by water... yeah right) let's make the best of it, no matter which calendar you are following. It's gonna be a busy year, I already know that much.
I already said it before, but I just like the sound of it:
Let's shoot for the stars and even manage to get there, because: why the hell not?

On a side note - first part of Bloodstained Shadows is done with the re-editing. And Scarlet Dawn is now 11 pages with roughly 8.000 words longer. And I didn't even change a thing concerning the actual story, as it will be left untouched, just as mentioned. Next up is part two - Memories of the Twilight. I'll probably start on that as soon as this blog post goes live.
I'd also like to point you guys to -> over here <- where you will find a 4.400 (4.800?) long short concerning the same topic. Again... just read it as fantasy if you're not into the WoW business, believe me, it's worth it - and leave a review if you'd be so kind.

As always, thank you very much for your attention.
Marc, Dovahkiin by general norms of speaking

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