Jan 26, 2012

[RBSUM] - Yeah, I'm falling behind

... on the schedule. I know I know, I'll make it up to you somehow.
But today's post is not about making those excuses but rather giving the reason. I'm feeling sick as of lately (and I didn't sleep too well last night) so getting even the few things edited today was a no-go. My minds going on a rampage and concentrating seems next to impossible. Not that this would particularly get on my nerves or make me feel "sick" in any way or form, it's actually the other way round. Concerning my personal life... not so much with what I'd like to call "work".
I'm just blabbering about pointless stuff most of the time, which is especially funny and a bit stressful if three people want to talk to me at the same time about totally different things... as if that wouldn't be hard enough clear-minded.
So that's the hard life of Marc Winter, aspiring author for you... but for real ... I'm kinda under the weather right now and I didn't get much done because of 683 Marc's somewhere up there, each roaring his head into a different direction, all pulling on different strings. I did manage to get over to editing a few pages of Bloodstained Shadows and will continue on with that, once I feel better again I'm sure the pace will also pick up... deadlline's pretty much the 10th of february for me so I'll aim for that... should not be too much of a problem all in all. The most strain part is without doubt part II: Memories of the Twilight, and I'm about halfway through that already... part III and IV will be quite fun I think. I'm really looking forward to those.
But for as of right now I'll better get myself to sleep so I'll hopefully feel a lot fitter by tomorrow already.

As always, thanks for listening to my whining, good night or 'good day' to each of you,
Marc... always with the sickness

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