About Me

The dreaded "About X" page...
So you actually clicked on it and want to find out more about me? Well then, fine by me...
In short:
  • Name: Marc Winter
  • Date of Birth: 3rd September 1988
  • Hometown: Oelsnitz / Erzg. (Saxony/Germany)
  • Currently living in: Bremen / Germany
  • Occupation: Student... I guess
  • Plans for the Future: Nah..., I'm not into world domination...
  • Favorite Animal: Dragons - if that counts, otherwise cats
  • Favorite Color: Green
  • Favorite Movie: By far too many... almost everything from Tarantino, Burton or Rodriguez
  • Favorite Kind of Music: Electronical / Rock (more shenanigans here)
  • State of Insanity: moderate to quite insane

Now for the long version:

I was born on the 3rd of September around 8:15 pm, on the spot for prime time entertainment. Though it seems I still missed out on it due to lack of interest on my part.
I continued on spending my whole childhood as well as the rest of my first 20 years on this earth living in a small city, named Oelsnitz / Erzg. in southern Saxony / Germany together with my mother and my grandparents before I decided to move to Bremen, also Germany, this time solely with my trusty sidekick, the teddy bear Beni James Honeypaw MacLeod.
During those 20 years I managed to see quite a lot of Europe, as well as a few parts of East-Asia as well as northern Africa. My family just liked to travel and I was taken along.
In between the many trips there were the ever-bothersome periods of school, which I finally finished in 2007 after 12 years by achieving the German Abitur.
Additionally to my 'normal' educational progress I learned the English language at the age five, which helped me a lot in my later life, although it was also cause for many ongoing disputes between me and my English teachers. During December 2006 I topped this off by achieving my CPE (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English).
After having finished school I did my civil services before moving. During this period of my life my plans for the future were rather inconsistent, leading me to pursue several different things, which by now mostly have been discarded.
At the moment I am currently studying IBC (International Business Communication) at the AKAD University Pinneberg. On a side note to that I am always trying to get going on that writing career, as I continue to wander through life with a certain disregard for an ordinary lifestyle...

Despite all of this I consider myself as a somewhat random and mostly likable(?) person, with a strange, sometimes childish sense of humor who likes to exaggerate, but I'm still fine with that as it is now.

About my writing:
I've got several ideas for stories still in store, all of them already more or less layed out (around 10 or so - some of which being several years old - numbers growing). I am also not trying to stick with one particular genre. I take down a few notes on the things that come to my mind and that's all that is to it.
I simply write what I want to write and I'd like to keep it that way.
There are only two things all of my stories (or ideas for stories) will have in common, those being that they all are going to be written in English and that each will have a rather unique approach to its style and narrative (which isn't necessarily the best thing you want to do when trying to get into the current 'industry')
Considering my poetry quite the opposite applies, as my poems are all written in German and I'm not too keen on translating them either (though I'm planing on puting them to use at some point).

If one would ask me what my source of inspiration was, it could only reply "not sure", or well I could answer with the shameless truth on the lines of "almost everything". I get lots and lots of ideas from simple things like listening to music or getting involved with whatever is currently called "pop-culture".
On the other hand side, it seems my brain starts working out stories on my own, playing them as movies for me in my dreams. I ended up with a complete outlining for one of my future novels like this. (After waking up and searching the internet for several hours because I still was kinda like "What the...? I couldn't have come up with that on my own?") -- Although this might sound comedical - I'm as dead serious about it as I could possibly be.
And last but not least, as probably a lot of people would agree, sadly creativity usually isn't born solely from happy thoughts and you don't need to be 'emo' to say something like this. Most of the times you "need" a kick into the wrong direction first so you can get started. But that shall be all about that. Yet what I can and want to say is that I use(d) writing mainly as a kind of stress-relief for me, but after a while I decided to stick too it as I tend to get sort of hyped about my current writing.
Those few flickering traces of the workaholic hidden deep down inside of me...

Also I would like to apologize for some of the (stupid) mistakes you might spot on the site. As it is with writing you usually don't really see a lot of them at the first glance. Additionally I'm an auditory type considering learning - so I tend to fall for "falls friends" my ears come up with - if it 'sounds' fine I usually don't notice the mistake at the first instance - probably my greatest problem with the English (and German) language(s).
I'm trying to clear them out as good as I can.

And last but never least....

Beni James Honeypaw MacLeod

(yeah that really is an ID Pic taken of him)

My trusty plush bear, following me (haunting me?) now for almost 20 years time. He already has me so far that I'm thinking about trying to write something about him... his influence seems strong but... err ... it probably really is respectable.
To be honest... I already have something layed out for him...
Currently he is inhabiting his very own shelf within my apartment, from where he tries to take over the global market for honey.
Check out his own little part of my site over here.