Apr 12, 2012

[SUM] - One year down

And a lot more to go, hopefully that is.

On this day, one year ago I first created this blog here. At the time it looked a good bit different compared to now, mostly a lot less kittehs though. But yeah... one year, already looking back into the past? Nah... that's no good! I'll have to be looking forward to get things done, not backwards. And that's exactly what we'll do!

It's short-update-madness-time, as I have oh-so randomly decided just now!

Thirst things first - I spent a lot of today's time with creating a second blog. No worries though - I won't bore you to death with my ramblings on that one too. That blog is meant to be somewhat special: As you all should know I finished my re-editing, re-visioning of 'Bloodstained Shadows' not too awfully long ago and since that moment I tried to find another way to host it on my blog and not solely rely on fanfiction.net and well... fan fiction sites in general. So... here it is!


I tried to keep it as clean and clearly arranged as possible. Personally I like this design more than the one of e.g. fanfiction.net
The site is set up with bloggers "new" dynamic templates and is probably best viewed with the Sidebar version. Feel free to give them all a try if you so desire, but you will find some of them to be fairly pointless given the content.
It should - SHOULD - run on any browser by now, but you never know, do you? IE, chrome and FireFox seem stable though - which is a good start.

As usual, feel free to give the story a go, leave a comment (or review on any other sites containing BS-CoaLS)

Only thing unfortunately being I had to switch to blogger's new layout to get this new blog running, it's only a minor thing, still I don't really like it... at least it's current color-scheme isn't as pain-inducing as the earlier versions were.

Ah well... in other news, Sleeptalking is getting somewhere too... but it's still too early to go into any detail concerning that.

As always, thanks for reading, I hope you're having a great week. I, for my part will be travelling back to Bremen, most likely tomorrow, so expect a new post somewhat around Sunday.
Marc, bloggish

P.S.: New Kitteh uploaded, not necessarily an anniversary kitty, but it fits the general mood... yeah... something along those lines

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