
The promissed random Kittens:
A world to conquer, yet too much sleepytime to catch.


 always listen to your teachers, no matter how furry they may seem

because it hasn't been out there often enough - and yes...
9gag, and no I haven't sold my soul to that page, at least not all of it. 

I don't even wanna know...
dat tail! so fluffy!

too soon/-ish?



model-cat scoring it big time
Damn you - conscience!

Well... the young madame has grown a bit bigger by now.
Stalking yo fridge...

Chillaxing Mauzi III

Totally didn't forget to post this on Christmas, riiight.

creepy kittehs

That was before she took an arrow to the knee...

Want cat... can haz cat? Pwees... :<

I'm not sure myself... was it the red or blue pill?

I really don't know what you're talking about... I told you twice already - my mother IS a hedgehog.

A day late but still in the spirit of Halloween.

It is only a matter of time! The invasion is coming!

Imma fwuffeh!

He really wanted to be part of the team.
(classic kitteh is classic but still funny imo)

At least he tried... although they couldn't even spell his name right...
vote 4 Miewtwo

'Miiiiiiiiiiiew!' Possible translation if you should be a cow: 'Moooooh'

tiuuurd kitteh after a hard day of sleeping

Arrr! Yarrr! Arrr!

A whole pile of cuteness ... awww

Recommended by a friend of mine...

Rest In Peace of my youth ...
(Picture taken roughly a year ago)

> without further comment<

Somewhere up there... there's a birdy waiting for us... somewhere...

What the f...!? That's no kitty.. O_o

Can you find the kitty? Hint: It's not blue.

That's a kitty... kinda

can't ... handle... cuteness... ARGH!

pweddy green eyes

Ratcarver's Choice: BRAINZ-kitteh (Ed.: no worries - the cat is just sleeping, no actual dead cat to be seen, thanks to the poor eyesight of a ghoul)

squirrel-leap - makes no sense? yeah i know

maybe it's a new Pokémon?

hold it right there!

well, hello there


I got this!

puuuuuurdy pwease!

aspiring hide-and-seek-champion!



creepeeh hovaah kitteeh



showing off my own kitty ^^

indeed, they are

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the images posted on this site. Those belong solely to the owners of the pictures and/or their creators. I do not want to showcase them as my own - I merely add my comment.