Here I am hoping you've been having a good day so far as I take my short rest from creativity and gathering favor in the name of the Empire whilst standing idly in Kaas City in the background.
So, I am rupturing my connection to the force - or rather the connection of the force to Beni James Honeypaw - because I made a promise to give you a short preview of 'Fool's Flight' this Tuesday...
Well guess what - here it comes.
And, oh wait, it gets even better... I said something about putting up an excerpt from the prologue, didn't I? So, yeah - I changed my opinion on that. But instead you will get to read the whole(!) first Interval!
For those wondering - an "interval" will be somewhat of the equivalent to what you'd normally simply call "chapter".
But enough of my usual ramblings - enjoy the first interval of the second part of my little series piloted by Loner's Peak - which will most likely be called the 'Omnivore' series.
Interval 01
As always, thanks for reading.
Come back Friday for the next part of the Bamboo Labyrinth. It's getting closer to its end.
Marc, bowing in the name of Emperor Beni James Palpatine
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