Apr 29, 2011

Leaves, leaves, leaves, ... shadow and the easter bunny

Who would have imagined that Easter turns out to be such a stressful period of time this year?
Though... yeah, I probably shouldn't complain too much, for this year everything turned out to be quite favourable (in terms of Easter as a commercial holiday).

On that note, I hardly managed to get anything done here, sadly of course. Still I will most definitely start re-editing 'Sleeptalking' during the next few weeks, alongside to some other projects of mine (as well as economics studies... blargh... err.. I mean  'Hell Yeah!').
Then again... probably nothing too unusual nowadays. Lack of focus in this dreaded generation of mine...! Anyone? No? Not enough for an excuse? Hrm, I'll come up with something better... At least I'll try to.

Nonetheless first things first... right now I'm focused on getting done reading 'House of Leaves' by Mark Z. Danielewski. One could say I've been devouring it over the last two days, so I guess I'll be done with that rather sooner than later.
(I love it...woooooh, it's frikken great!)

Finally, due to recent events of a personal nature (not thee most pleasant I might addeth - to say the least) I came up with a few stray ideas for poems and such. Therefore, should you, my dearest reader be interested in those, check back for updates on that subject. I'll get them uploaded once I get those actually sorted out in my head.

That should be all for just now and I should be getting back to reading onwards! The sooner I'm done, the sooner I can get back to my own stuff and try to refocus! (No worries though, it usually isn't as hard as it sounds...)

Once again, thanks for reading,
Marc the Explorer

P.S.: New Kitteh up shortleeh!

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