Dec 6, 2011

[SUM] - Crushing some Space

Aw yeah... And no, please don't ask. Just don't. Not much to be seen or to be known anyhow.

As for today and as far as short updates in my utter madness go ... I found a chocolate Santa in front of door to my apartment this morning... Yeah! And not even one of those puny, small ones... but noooo, a big one!
Apparently somebody who moved in to the empty apartment a couple of floors below me only recently wanted to say hello to the rest of the house that way. Good to see there are still a couple of nice people out there.

Anyways..., a new novel isn't a real novel if it doesn't get rejected at least once when searching for an agent, right?

Back to the drawing board for now! Or... writing board... or the PC ... or... just... whatever.

I'm already going to leave you for today, need to get a few things sorted out in my head. Hopefully that'll work out while chillaxing. If not, then I've got not much of a choice but to focus.

As a last piece of info you probably did not care about at all... a few sole snowflakes seem able to make their way down to earth in my general vicinity, although mostly followed or even directly accompanied by rain.

But as always... thanks for reading.
Marc, owner and friend to Beni James Honeypaw - probably happiest plush bear on the planet

P.S.: New Kitteh going up soon.
P.S.S. addet 3 1/2 hours later: Oops... forgot about the Kitteh... but its up now ... My bad.

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