Dec 4, 2011

[RBS] - Comfy & Cozy

Ah yes... yet another Sunday awaits us in world demanding to claim our place in life and the part of the the great cake everybody wants to have a piece of which.
BUT it is also the second advent and another great opportunity to enjoy yourself with a hot cup of coffee or tea next a pleasantly warm fireplace... or at least light a candle (or rather two) to cherish the Christmas spirit as it slowly descends upon people.

Yeah, I'll stop there for now... there's enough of a chance that I'll get enough shit for those few lines as they stand already and well, there's enough people in this world who simply can't stand this holiday / don't celebrate it / think of it as way too commercialised nowadays. Admittedly, concerning the last part - they have a point. Nevertheless it remains to each person individually to make of these few days a year what they believe in is the best. (So... stop hatin'!)

For me, the last weeks been a whole lot of nothing, except for me mesmerized by a chain of green lights. For today I got my hands on a shiny new notebook to write more stuff down into and I'm currently looking forward to that, though I'm not entirely sure for what story I should use it. Or if I should reserve it for something completely different.

The things I still got planned for the remainder of the day include going ahead in buying a train-ticket to Saxony for the Sunday in two weeks - for visiting the family - drinking the tea that's already going cold as I'm still typing away and maybe lighting a couple of candles on my own. Not to forget the whole 'staring at the green lights' nonsense from the last few days.

By the way... If you haven't had the chance to do so already. I'd recommend checking out the latest part of my short "The Bamboo Labyrinth" that I uploaded the other day. It's right over here and should provide a bit more entertainment value than me going on about, well, stuff.

And just if you were wondering... I originally had something planned for today... something to talk about and give this post an actual reason behind its existence... but... I forgot. I know, I know... I should just make a list... write stuff down. It's not like that's the usual stuff I do, isn't it? But it's too late now! Deal with it... especially if you read this far.
Nevertheless... I will try to waste less of your precious time in the future, my dearest readers. I could go ahead and turn the good old Short-update-madness into a two-per-week thing... it's not that short honestly and well... why not, eh? That way I'd be forced to come up with more new content and not only ramblings...
I'll think about it and maybe a couple of other possibilities...

For now... thanks for reading despite the pointless nature of today, enjoy your weekend, cherish the [insert holiday name here] spirit and give a bit of warmth to the people you like/love or just goddamn know.
Marc, who still can't get over those green lights...

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