...at least when I turn my head to the right.
Those lights... It really is pathetically easy to make me happy if you know how...
Anyways, I've been taking my old warlock out, giving him a spin for a change as the weekend slowly but surely comes to a close here in Germany. But I'm well aware that you aren't necessarily interested in knowing precisely how I wasted my time during the last couple of days so I'll keep it to a minimum on that account.
And I'm well aware that I'm currently not posting too many updates on actual stuff I'm working on. That's because, as I've mentioned already, there isn't much to talk about. Loner's Peak reached the stage where I can do hardly anything but play a waiting game on, believe me, several different levels. Yet that's how the world apparently rolls with these kinds of things.
And Fool's Flight is mainly about gathering and sorting out plot elements in my head and offline-notes at the moment and even that is going rather... slow. I've reached a point where my head starts spewing out 'critical errors' when I rethink a few things, because I want to go too deep into matter that I, well, don't really understand at the moment. And writing stuff you don't know about? It's not too uncommon when you think about most Sci-Fi or Fantasy stuff and is usually solved by putting up your own rules for the world you're creating, but yeah... seems I'm not totally happy with those rules right now. And for all our sakes... I'd be better if I take the time and do it properly and be satisfied with the results.
Maybe the upcoming change of scenery will help me out on those accounts as in a week from now, I'll be posting my Sunday update from my mom's place back in good ol' Saxony. Meeting the newest addition to the family... our new little kitty-cat. I'll upload a picture of the young mistress, promise.
Besides, I wanted to use the week before Christmas to get some work done anyhow.
But until then, there's still some time to use wisely (a.k.a. waste) and get a few things sorted out. Like getting a new passport... or putting up the pin board I got presented with yesterday.
So as always, thanks for staying around, listening to my ramblings. Enjoy your third of advent or just the weekend in general, light a candle or something like that.
Marc, the Mesmerized
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