What sounds like a campaign against larger flight companies or well... flying in general is but a little hint on what I'll be working on as the year slowly draws to an end.
Anyways... the Skyrim mania slowly leaves my mind and body behind... after completing the main quest, reaching level 52 (of 81) with my main character and forging a weapon, something nice and to my liking, suiting myself better than those pitiful presents the daedric princes left me with.
But now I feel the urge to focus on a few, well..., more important things again... But it sure was a hell of a time! I so love the snow storms in that game.
But back to what I wanted to talk about... I'm currently trying to get into 'Fool's Flight' at the moment. Just got done writing my prologue for it, or well... the thingy that I want to call prologue. Let's just say it's not your average opening for a story, though I'm pretty sure somebody, sometime, somewhere already did a thing like that... After all, it's always like that. Or well, at least most of the time.
I also edited a few things on the first 5 'intervals' that I already wrote during my summer holiday, giving them a nice little overhaul.
For clarification means - an interval in this story will basically be what you'd normally call a 'chapter', but then again not really.
I can tell you this much: there will most likely be 14 intervals all together (plus one prologue and maybe something similar to an epilogue) and one interval is - you surely guessed it - a means of measuring a certain amount of time that passes/has passed.
I'll try to loosen the whole chapter concept up a bit after the straight forward 20 chapters plus the prologue of Loner's Peak. Yeah... I'm full of wonky ideas like that.
But for now... you should just look at them as chapters, though their length should vary considerably. As time and my work on this project progresses I will probably come back to this and clarify a few things concerning the whole topic.
Come to think of it. Loner's Peak will not have what you'd call an Epilogue (I'm not sure if I ever referred to it as that), despite my personal cravings for such things... BUT I plan on having a little tidbit at the end, a one-page thingy giving a bit of additional inside... for those able to read it. It's nothing mandatory and won't give any info on stuff you don't get from just reading the story but I think it's a nice addition to it.
I'll try to get something of a page up for Fool's Flight during the next week or so, or... come to think of it. There already is a link to said page at the very end of the Loner's Peak page... feel free to check that out - but don't expect too much just now. But it should at least make clear why I chose this headline.
The writing-stuff commences once more.
And just to have it said at least once. I'm not sure what I'll post of the things I've written so far, if anything at all (at least right now)... It's kinda hard not to spoil anything, it being the second part of the series and all. Though I'm rather sure I'll find something.
But that's all for today... Now I got to rest a bit as I'm feeling like something's growing on me. I don't really want to be sick so... yeah... better take it slow for a day or two. Maybe drink a whisky or something like that.
As always, thanks for reading.
Marc, Probably-soon-without-the-cough-again
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