So yeah, this post should actually be more about another chunk of loose text that I throw at you and get you to read it, but I'd rather share something else with you today.
It's a feeling... a feeling of utter happiness and joy that I currently still cherish. Because as of Wednesday 2nd of November I finally got done with Loner's Peak! (As predicted. Also, I made some slight adjustments to its respective page on the blog during the day.)
Well..., for now at least... And this is when all the waiting starts off again. Getting some opinions before the next wave of editing sweeps over the text and so on. All that jazz right before writing the queries, so that the next waiting bit can go on its way.
Sounds thrilling, doesn't it?
Yep... Not really... although to be honest, not knowing when something is starting to go back on track and most of all the waiting that comes when the bit with the agencies starts off again is kinda nerve-wracking from time to time. But fear not... I will keep myself ocupied during the time Loner's Peak is somewhat on hold.
For the time being, I will focus my attention on a short story I've been thinking about for a while now during the upcoming week. This project will probably find its way onto the blog and into the world via this here Storytime segment at some point. I won't be giving away any kind of spoilers for it, but expect it to be going to be uploaded in several small parts, so it'll most likely be up on a one part per week basis once it's done. I can't really tell when the first of those is going to be uploaded yet, but middle to end of the month should be a rather safe bet. Anyways look forward to that if for some reason you don't like flash fiction with all its suddenness and short-ish shortnessy shortness (or you just think I can't write that stuff for s....).
After that I will start getting involved with the second part of the _______* - Trilogy (*insert name here).
Current working title for this part of the bigger project, the second part, is 'Fool's Flight',to have mentioned it once again.
I might start the real writing on that part of the story right away, or at least a lot sooner than with Loner's Peak, as I've got a better and more detailed idea on how that part should generally all go down than with the other two.
All that blubbering about plans aside I conclude... I'm feeling good today, a bit restless though. Didn't do much today, enjoyed my 2nd day "off". But I'll get back into it tomorrow.
Preparing some bamboo for y'all...
But ... today is Friday after all... so I'll have to give you something more or less sensible to read nevertheless. Just as you thought you'd managed to get around it ... hrhr.
What a night...
My brain is all fuzzy and my memories all seem washed-out. And if I try to remember something from yesterday I can’t fully recall what of it was dream and what reality.
It’s a complete mess, a pulp of lights, music and shouting.
All I can say for sure is that right now I’m lying in a white bed in a hospital somewhere down central, with my whole body aching like all hell broke loose an hour ago.
A white coat had already visited me once or twice. He had said a few things I didn’t quite catch. He was talking to a nurse about how severely I might have been poisoned from the stuff in the pills I had swallowed. Nobody really knows.
Damn it... what happened last night?
The harder I try to think about it, the more my head hurts.
I still know how my friends and I were talking about starting the party. I had all the small pills right in the palm of my hand. All of them had different colours, just like placebos but with an effect.
As the alcohol was already running through my veins I started imagining things... My addiction was kicking in. By now I can tell for sure that once I see things move, breathe or even hear how they talk to me, I know it’s time for my ‘medicine’ and it’s not fun at all. The blue pill was looking at me. I imagined a smiling face on its outside. Come on, it whispered to me, I should do it. I should get it over with. It said that it knew how much I wanted to.
My hands were already starting to shake wildly, but my friends were only looking at me angrily. One of them yelled at me over the music. I should be getting done he screamed and that he wanted me to pass a few of the pills to them. They didn’t even notice how I almost started flailing around aimlessly.
The blue little thing was still staring at me. It called me ‘Jackie-boy’ as it tried to persuade me again to get on with it.
I couldn’t take it any longer. I couldn’t bear the voice anymore.
With a quick movement I just chucked the hand full of pills down into my body. It was more an act of desperation than anything else! Swallowing was difficult, but not nearly as hard as trying to gather these memories.
I swear I still could hear them thanking me as they made their way into my stomach.
Immediately my friends started cursing and I think one of them punched me straight into the face. That would at least offer a reason for my right eye hurting this much.
And now I’m lying here, completely drained out and probably poisoned.
But what really worries me the most right now is that smiling face on wall opposite of me...
There you go, another Friday done, another week almost over with. In any case I hope you enjoyed this weeks piece of Flash-Fiction (FLASH! AHAAAA!) and that you have a great weekend!
As always thanks for reading.
Marc, the Happy-without-being-drunk
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