Oct 16, 2011

[RBS] - Teh real stuff... for realz!

The weekend's still on its way strong (or already over, depending on where you live) and I'll try to use this blog post/afternoon to return from my own world of fantasy and back into the real world for a change.

But as per usual - nothing is as it seems and so I guess it was rather the other way around this week.
The last few days have been stream-tastic for me, as the IEM-Challenge of the ESL has been enriching these past three days of my live with afternoon/evening entertainment in terms of E-sports.
Yes I did it again! Though without the playing with hearts bit or losing at the game (Or did I? In fact, what is the game?) Currently it's my equivalent to watching football (soccer - for my American friends out there) on TV - though I'd still prefer the World Championships in (Beach-)Volleyball. But I don't think they're streaming that at all... Makes me miss having a TV once every year for a couple of days... And yes - you've read it right. I don't own a television.

Sadly the real world isn't as exciting as it could be right now, so I preferred to head back into the L.A. of my own alternate history timeline today, getting another page done and a few more re-edits going. I had the pleasure of rewriting a whole chapter during the night from Thursday to Friday - but I hinted at that in the last 'Story Time'. Fortunately the rewrite turns out to be as good as perfect - until I find something new that I don't like about it, that is...

On a different note: I'm still trying to outrun my family-curse, but it seems to be slowly catching up to me. Curse I say? Yes curse I saythest! I don't want to be a teacher  D:  Help!

As I'll be continuing to panic about that over the rest of the day, I should probably go ahead and give my plant (yes...singular) some water by the looks of it. Yeah just caught that from the corner of my eyes...

And yet again it is more pointless ramblings and less focused than I had hoped for it to be. Maybe I'll rethink this format for Sundays again, maybe not... I should give it a few more weeks. Life's not all that exciting at the moment unfortunately, haven't seen any new good movies, played new games, read new book or whatnot.... aw well... suggestions are appreciated.

That said I'll leave you guys and girls alone again for the time being (at least 'till Tuesday). In the meantime feel free to check out Friday's Story Time if you haven't already.
Some more random music for you to enjoy, and off I am.

As always thanks for reading - have a great day (even if it's Monday)!
Marc, Lord of various Clans of Brackets

P.S.: Yet another new Kitteh incoming

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