Oct 9, 2011

[RBS] - The blogginging carries on

And here we are in the third (but not final) new subsection.. 'Random Bloggy Stuff' and yeah I know... the abbreviation could also mean something different... yeah I noticed it - but never mind! We will just carry on without EVER questioning it... Yeah... As if that would happen.

Yet on to the none-existing topic for now... it feels a bit awkward dedicating a whole post to this stuff and it's the more strange as I don't really know what to write about today (the more comical after all the blogging in between the actual updates I used to do), but last week was rather slow I guess. I spent a good amount of time with getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning only for watching a stream on the interwebz - of course after writing it, it feels even more pathetic. Aside from that there really wasn't much going on - I was mostly caught up with the usual stuff... getting on with the story-development of 'Loner's Peak' and the following parts as well as taking down notes for the other stuff I working on. (Plus trying to also do a bit o' studying on the side of it all)
As of most recent event I spent a really great afternoon yesterday with a couple of friends at a Rock Contest in the community center of one of Bremen's city districts, because they performed there. Even though they did not win the grand prize (a strange little award which was 'not too big but it glows' as the supervisor of this little event put it), I personally think they did a great job - we all really enjoyed the afternoon and their performance was really great in my opinion (Band name: 'Jet Elmer'). This opinions is not biased at all... NOT AT ALL... (but in all honesty - I really like their music)
So... now that I'm through with all that and there is nothing left to write about... let's talk about the weather for a bit: It's f***ing freezing... 'nuff said...

So yeah - I think I will leave it at this for today and I'm sure there will be lots and lots of wonderful, colorful things and actual randomness happening in my life in the near future that I can write about and annoy you with.

Hrm... I do feel kinda tempted to put something up from the stuff I wrote for 'Nightingale' today as I tried to get the first part done for that, so I can put it to rest for another half year or so. But I guess I'll keep that in store for Tuesday. *harhar*

As always thank you very much for reading (my pointless ramblings today). Have a great rest of the day.
Marc, the so very very confused.

P.S.: Classic kitten coming up.

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