Just a few stray thoughts...
Honest thoughts to be on the honestest of honest with you.
So I just wanted to talk, err... write about a few things that have been on a rampage in my head over the last few weeks.
... Or perhaps you want to call it 'whining late at night'. It's only a thin line after all. But meh, everybody does it once in a while, and whether or not it's a good idea, most people won't refrain from it. So I might as well join in.
There are a few things that I have noticed even with this incredible small presence that I currently have in this, indeed world-wide, interwebz. One of them being that the writing world currently seems to have a few unwritten laws, a codex one might even call it, which enforce that who ever tries to bend or even ignore one of them will be basically crushed with whatever seems available. In case of the Internet, it is, of course, mainly words.
Then again, I can see that this seems incredibly trivial as it is the usual way of life (and art). There are always at least a few rules. Someone tries to change, side-step or ignore one or more of them and either prevails with great success following or is utterly defeated.
The problem on my part is, that I basically come into direct conflict with one of those 'unwritten laws' every time I decide to write something. Usually more or less on purpose, sometimes not.
As for my stories 'Sleeptalking' and the work-in-progress 'Loner's Peak' as well, I tend get a few hints (and with "a few" I mean "LOTS") on what I should improve (which I don't wanna). And most of them actually cover the same subject. The style of writing and the grammar I use(d).
Thus this first 'rule' in writing kingdom seems to be something on the lines of 'always use spot-one grammar and don't try to fool too much with it, also... short sentences are a must!'
And it usually makes me a bit sad (not too much to change something about my writing style and/or goals though), because it seems that all those people don't try to understand or let alone think about it for a second why I chose that particular way of telling the story or even to try to view it as an artistic choice in that matter, just so it would sound even more far-fetched.
There actually is a reason for the style I use to tell the story with? *gasp*
The story of 'Sleeptalking' is set in 1860's England, so why should I use short sentences? Why should I use "modern-day" grammar? And the other story, 'Loner's Peak'? I try to catch the vibe of a somewhat classical noir crime story. I know that 'noir' as such doesn't exist in the world of literature and only in movies but why not try something 'pseudo-new' and recreate it? The main character(s) narrate(s) everything, so there should be no need for complete sentences all the time. The things you usually think aren't complete sentences after all or are you that one different one?
But yeah, I ain't gonna fool anybody on the internet, cause probably everyone who bugs me about the grammar stuff is probably just that special guy or one of his 12.000 clones.
To come to a conclusion, what I try to express as I experience it first hand, I think the writing world in general and their audience too, should try to step away from these narrow-minded concepts of what is right or okay...
It's art after all, isn't it? Sadly it seems most of the time people forget about that. For me it just feels like in terms of movies, music, visual/plastic arts and even poetry people are far more willing to accept different ways on how to approach something than in terms of literature. Which I think is strange, sad or disappointing, however you want to call it. I can't really name it.
Of course there are always several sides to be on, and there always will be someone who dislikes this or dislikes that, but you still somehow accept it how it is.
(I don't want it to sound like I'd be taking myself completely out of this equation. I'm also just a human being, so I also have stuff I like and dislike, that I appreciate or not.)
So yeah... that's just my personal opinion on the whole matter. And I'll let it go of it for now. It's something that I just had to get out of my system and why not do it here? It's a blog after all.
That's all for just now, enough of the whining (maybe I'm simply too early or ...well... too late) and I probably should be getting ready for the hate-mails to start rolling in, telling me to go die in a fire or whatnot, as I just kicked my credibility as a sophisticated (?) author right into the face and left it lying on the floor bleeding...
Still, just back to the drawing board, or writing board in that case... Keeping on going is the only thing that'll help with all o' this...
Next time: Moar Music!
Have a great night, or morning or whatever everybody.
Marc, the Frightful
P.S.: Somewhat dead looking ghoul-kitty on the kittens page.
P.P.S.: That location thingy didn't do anything as far as I can tell :<
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