Jun 13, 2011


Yes, it's about blood today - my own to be fair.
(I like its color O_o")

No no, nothing too serious, just the usual, which could probably be anything when coming from my mouth (or my fingers typing in this particular case).

Anyways... Pentecost/Whitsun is almost over and with it the weekend. My mother came visiting me together with my little precious aka 'my' cat for these few days and we had a great time ^^ Except for that one moment right at the start when the lil' kitty-cat assaulted my right arm and tried to ripe it to shreds apparently.
I'm still not totally sure what tripped her off at that particular moment but yeah... she turned "normal" during the same evening. But never mind, as I said she's been back to sweet-kitty-mode in no time and the wounds all closed up nicely, now healing away like... *insert stupid flying joke here* or som'thin'. Besides... I manage to cut myself even on raw spaghetti, so...

Yeah ... well that was my weekend. The current chapter's done for 'Loner's Peak' and I'll be getting back to working on it once I don't feel as tired anymore. (The sweet kitty decided to go ahead and wake me almost every hour that one night. It's incredible how loud such a little creature can get if she wants your attention... especially around 3 a.m.)

Uuuuh...let's add that location thingy for added shenanigans... trying new stuff - yeah!

And that's all for now, hope you're all having a great day.

As always thanks for reading,
Marc the freshly scarred due to mad kitty

P.S.: My little desktop-ghoul will be taking care of a new kitty picture for everybody's delight.
P.P.S.: Not his best shot ever, but Ratcarver agreed on the image being posted.

Seemingly-random-yet-actually-not that-random-song-quote:
'Come in stranger, it's good to have you home.'

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