Jun 28, 2011

Summertime ... wooh

It shouldn't be a secret anymore... it's sunny and warm outside. (Stating the obvious like a pro...)
But summer isn't only about warmth or sunshine or ice cream or sun or whatnot but sometimes also about vacation!

I know; I know... not too much actual information included, but yeah... what did you expect? I got through my marketing seminar and the test connected to it last weekend and what should I say? Our lecturer was an awful lot of fun. Great person and also a good teacher. So at least one of the two days were fun. (Except for maybe the 2 hours of train ride for each getting there and back home again.)

Now concerning the nearest future: I'm going home to my family during the week, probably on Thursday - which includes another whooping 4 hours of train riding. This also means that "family-vacations" coming up for me - which in this particular case means something on the line of "roughly 3 to 4 weeks without" Internet and therefore no updates throughout most of July.
Of course it will be picking up again afterwards around the beginning of August, by then I will also start sharing my experiences from the trip. Should be either a lot, or nothing at all...

I got a bit of writing done over the last few days, yet unfortunately I haven't been able to copy it over to the computer. It's still lying around somewhere in my apartment in my dreadful handwriting. So I should be getting onto that...

For now I'll stop here and let you all run off into the more or less warm summer in your area.
As always, thanks for reading.
Marc, the Traveller

P.S.: uploaded the kitteh promissed last time just now, so next one coming up in a day or so
P.P.S.: also finished my nostalgica-flash this morning with getting through a Let's Play of Final Fantasy VIII ... uh I so loved that game when I was younger... I know a lot of people literally hate it, but I personally think it's the best part of the series. As always... personal opinion, so feel free to argue with me about it.

Jun 23, 2011

Within sticky plushy claws....

And possibly a modern-day form of slavery...

It's finally finished! For now at least ... Nevertheless... check out the page for Beni James Honeypaw (my plush-bear) over HERE. I guess he would appreciate it. And I am also instructed to tell you that he also accepts all kinds of donations in terms of honey - just no lavender honey, he's kinda allergic to that. (So you know what you have to do if you want to get rid of him!) I'm also force... err instructed to tell you that he prefers akacia honey above all else.
And I'm TOTALLY NOT held hostage here AT ALL... not at all... kay? (..I think he's watching me..)

On to other things, hopefully I'll get it done before he come's back checking on me.
Tomorrow's my seminar on marketing management and I'm completely stoked to get to know more about coffee and sweets marketing after finishing my 4-hour-assignement today... ... Yeah... ...
But to be fair, it actually is more interessting than you'd probably imagine. Except for the typically german way of teaching things... getting stuffed with terms that don't serve any practical use except for trying to strain and deter students - you are not using around 80% of them when it comes to actually working.
Sounds lovely, doesn't it?
Well... no use complaining about it.

Except for my thrilling studies, my hands are itching to get back into working on Loner's Peak, especially after one of my friends showed me *this* snazzy little article. Except for it's - of course - satirical nature, it's just so frikken true that it's sad. I had a good laugh nonetheless. I've got so many great things in store for the story!
Unfortunately that whole itching-part isn't only on a metaphoric note. My right hand's actually going somewhat bonkers and stuff. My blood flow is going batshit crazy from time to time, but only in my right hand.
I have to admit it sounds worse than it actually is. It's a possible side-condition of your typical everyday migraine after all. What it also does? It tells me I'm getting old ... ... D:
Currently (especially as the weather conditions in Germany are terribly unconsitent this year) more and more of the usual side-effects - that I haven't experienced so far - are acting up - making my day just a tad more exciting then elsewise.

I guess that should be all for today. I hoped you enjoyed last times look into music at least a little bit, if at all. I had to do it. A kind of craze of me. But for now I'll get back to marketing once again ... still a few things left to do.

As always, thanks for reading.
Ia! Beni!
Marc, the expert of modern day coffee bean trading...

P.S.: ... let's see what I'll come up with for a new kitteh...

seemingly unrelated song-quo...ah to heck with it, it's just a link

Jun 20, 2011

Dabbling with things unknown to me...

... or well, at least I don't really have too much insight in.
Therefore... SING TO ME MY MINIONS! *aaaaaahhhhhhh*

So after having finished whining, I've decided to have a look at something totally different today, which being ... you guessed it ...music. And believe me I can't read notes nor even hit a single one when trying to sing, though due to my auditory nature listening to it is something dear and important to me (...can't stand total silence for most of the time).

What made me come up with this was my recent discovery of the 30 Day Song Challenge Facebook page. So I had a look at the rules page, came up with a list of fitting songs and started posting away. Unfortunately I won't be able to keep it up for the full 30 days, because I probably won't be able to access the interwebs for a few weeks in the nearer future (details on that coming soon). But 'sometimes-smart' lil' me came up with the perfect solution for my problem.
I'll just post the list right here (with links to y/t hoping they'll work for most of you).
For everybody's enjoyment - or whatever you might call it.

Yet a word of warning beforehand: there are some songs from german bands, sometimes with german lyrics, but yeah... live with it and give them a chance.
Here we go:

I'd like to note that I'm usually not that into live vids or recordings, still Youtube.com's not that cooperative when you're living in Germany so sadly I had to pick a few for the list. Except for the live performance of H.I.M. which you'll find in the list - that one's on purpose.
There you go, feel free to start arguing with be about my choises or my taste in music in general if you wish so. Regardless I'd like to say: Kudos to all the artists out there just doing what they want to do and being successful while sticking with it.
I hope you enjoyed this little venture into my taste of music with a lot of songs that actually mean quite a lot to me on most parts.

This would be all for now. And now I'll be getting back to watching the dreamhack coverage as well as the myths and legends that lie dormant within the holy scrolls of marketing management. I've got a test heading towards my way at the end of the week and it should be better to be prepared for that.
More writing stuff once I've got a little bit more time for it. (Which should be rather sooner then later.)

As always, thanks for reading.
Marc, the over-encumbered

P.S.: Moar kittez commin' - hopefully less dead-looking this time.

more seemingly unrelated song-quotes
"Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked,
Money don't grow on trees.
I got bills to pay,
I got mouths to feed,
There ain't nothing in this world for free.
I know I can't slow down,
I can't hold back,
Though you know, I wish I could.
No there ain't no rest for the wicked,
Until we close our eyes for good".

Jun 17, 2011

Laws, to be unwritten?

Just a few stray thoughts...

Honest thoughts to be on the honestest of honest with you.
So I just wanted to talk, err... write about a few things that have been on a rampage in my head over the last few weeks.
... Or perhaps you want to call it 'whining late at night'. It's only a thin line after all. But meh, everybody does it once in a while, and whether or not it's a good idea, most people won't refrain from it. So I might as well join in.

There are a few things that I have noticed even with this incredible small presence that I currently have in this, indeed world-wide, interwebz. One of them being that the writing world currently seems to have a few unwritten laws, a codex one might even call it, which enforce that who ever tries to bend or even ignore one of them will be basically crushed with whatever seems available. In case of the Internet, it is, of course, mainly words.
Then again, I can see that this seems incredibly trivial as it is the usual way of life (and art). There are always at least a few rules. Someone tries to change, side-step or ignore one or more of them and either prevails with great success following or is utterly defeated.
The problem on my part is, that I basically come into direct conflict with one of those 'unwritten laws' every time I decide to write something. Usually more or less on purpose, sometimes not.

As for my stories 'Sleeptalking' and the work-in-progress 'Loner's Peak' as well, I tend get a few hints (and with "a few" I mean "LOTS") on what I should improve (which I don't wanna). And most of them actually cover the same subject. The style of writing and the grammar I use(d).
Thus this first 'rule' in writing kingdom seems to be something on the lines of 'always use spot-one grammar and don't try to fool too much with it, also... short sentences are a must!'
And it usually makes me a bit sad (not too much to change something about my writing style and/or goals though), because it seems that all those people don't try to understand or let alone think about it for a second why I chose that particular way of telling the story or even to try to view it as an artistic choice in that matter, just so it would sound even more far-fetched.

There actually is a reason for the style I use to tell the story with? *gasp*

The story of 'Sleeptalking'  is set in 1860's England, so why should I use short sentences? Why should I use "modern-day" grammar? And the other story, 'Loner's Peak'? I try to catch the vibe of a somewhat classical noir crime story. I know that 'noir' as such doesn't exist in the world of literature and only in movies but why not try something 'pseudo-new' and recreate it? The main character(s) narrate(s) everything, so there should be no need for complete sentences all the time. The things you usually think aren't complete sentences after all or are you that one different one?
But yeah, I ain't gonna fool anybody on the internet, cause probably everyone who bugs me about the grammar stuff is probably just that special guy or one of his 12.000 clones.

To come to a conclusion, what I try to express as I experience it first hand, I think the writing world in general and their audience too, should try to step away from these narrow-minded concepts of what is right or okay...
It's art after all, isn't it? Sadly it seems most of the time people forget about that. For me it just feels like in terms of movies, music, visual/plastic arts and even poetry people are far more willing to accept different ways on how to approach something than in terms of literature. Which I think is strange, sad or disappointing, however you want to call it. I can't really name it.
Of course there are always several sides to be on, and there always will be someone who dislikes this or dislikes that, but you still somehow accept it how it is.
(I don't want it to sound like I'd be taking myself completely out of this equation. I'm also just a human being, so I also have stuff I like and dislike, that I appreciate or not.)

So yeah... that's just my personal opinion on the whole matter. And I'll let it go of it for now. It's something that I just had to get out of my system and why not do it here? It's a blog after all.

That's all for just now, enough of the whining (maybe I'm simply too early or ...well... too late) and I probably should be getting ready for the hate-mails to start rolling in, telling me to go die in a fire or whatnot, as I just kicked my credibility as a sophisticated (?) author right into the face and left it lying on the floor bleeding...
Still, just back to the drawing board, or writing board in that case... Keeping on going is the only thing that'll help with all o' this...

Next time: Moar Music!

Have a great night, or morning or whatever everybody.
Marc, the Frightful

P.S.: Somewhat dead looking ghoul-kitty on the kittens page.
P.P.S.: That location thingy didn't do anything as far as I can tell :<

Jun 13, 2011


Yes, it's about blood today - my own to be fair.
(I like its color O_o")

No no, nothing too serious, just the usual, which could probably be anything when coming from my mouth (or my fingers typing in this particular case).

Anyways... Pentecost/Whitsun is almost over and with it the weekend. My mother came visiting me together with my little precious aka 'my' cat for these few days and we had a great time ^^ Except for that one moment right at the start when the lil' kitty-cat assaulted my right arm and tried to ripe it to shreds apparently.
I'm still not totally sure what tripped her off at that particular moment but yeah... she turned "normal" during the same evening. But never mind, as I said she's been back to sweet-kitty-mode in no time and the wounds all closed up nicely, now healing away like... *insert stupid flying joke here* or som'thin'. Besides... I manage to cut myself even on raw spaghetti, so...

Yeah ... well that was my weekend. The current chapter's done for 'Loner's Peak' and I'll be getting back to working on it once I don't feel as tired anymore. (The sweet kitty decided to go ahead and wake me almost every hour that one night. It's incredible how loud such a little creature can get if she wants your attention... especially around 3 a.m.)

Uuuuh...let's add that location thingy for added shenanigans... trying new stuff - yeah!

And that's all for now, hope you're all having a great day.

As always thanks for reading,
Marc the freshly scarred due to mad kitty

P.S.: My little desktop-ghoul will be taking care of a new kitty picture for everybody's delight.
P.P.S.: Not his best shot ever, but Ratcarver agreed on the image being posted.

Seemingly-random-yet-actually-not that-random-song-quote:
'Come in stranger, it's good to have you home.'

Jun 6, 2011

Camels and Nuclear Warfare

I bet now you wanna know what these two things have in common? Then you might wanna read my story 'Loner's Peak' once I'm done with it.

Well... okay... actually... the camel part is merely a bad pun, I guess? And the nuclear warfare might just not be nuclear warfare at all(?) But well... when confronted with weapons of mass destruction it might not be that important whether it's a nuke or not. Right? RIGHT?! ... right?

What am I hoping for? I'm on the Internet of course it would matter.


Never mind... just as a quick reminder: the Coming Soon tab on this page is all about 'Loner's Peak', the story I'm currently working on. Peanut. There is also still a preview of the whole prologue on there. And I actually do intend to take it off the site at some point. For realz...

But now I should be getting back to the whole lot o' things I'd be doing normally. Oh and before I forget, the idea for the short-story is shaping up quite nicely. Yeah a short story, not one of the short-short ones but actually short. You either get my drift... or I might just be annoying you.

So enough of that and off you go, we haven't got all day and you still need to check out the
preview over here.

Thanks for reading,
Marc, conqueror of the blueberry pie (not actually blueberry and neither pie, but otherwise it would be boring, right?)


'“So... how’s the old Camel doing? Ever heard anything again?”
He tried to sound witty with his little pun but it only made him appear even sleazier. And still the words tore right through my heart.'

Jun 2, 2011



Well, well.... Hello there.

I'll keep it short for today as everything's still a bit hazy for me. And that's the point when I just start staring at the screen for about 5 minutes and nothing happens...
Now where was I?
Ah yes... I just finished my 2nd draft for a Flash-Fiction for the Bridport Prize that I mentioned in the last updates, which basically is a 250 word short short-short story keeping it short and to a minimum, yet still is filled with (maybe short) but a lot of (short) meaning.
Sadly I'm not allowed to post any of them, because that would be against the rules if I recall correctly. (yep that's right - just double-checked)

Concerning Loner's Peak, I didn't really have the time to get further into that, but no worries. I'll come back to that in no time. Short.
On the one hand side it's nice not having a deadline... then again... it gets shit done.

Also... minor updates for the Kittens and the Random stuff.

That's all for just, as I'll probably just fall over and sleep for the next two years or so.

As always thanks for reading, have a great short holiday (if today's a holiday where you live)
Marc, the un-intoxicated

P.S.: I miss mah kitteh :<
