Jan 1, 2012

[RBSITMOTN] - Happy New Year

The title says it all (more or less):

Happy 2012!

The year of 2011 is now part of the past and a completely fresh one is already lying ahead of us, waiting for the people of this world to make good use of it.
(Let's just skip the fact that its not 2012 for all religions and beliefs out there - though I know that the 23rd of January is Chinese New Year and it's gonna be year of the dragon - so hell yeah! going to be a good one!)

Anyways I wish all of you best of luck and health for 2012. Keep up with your New Year's resolutions and don't let them slip right away.

I got a couple of things planned for myself too and I'll be trying my hardest to be as strict with myself as possible.

Getting back into the diet plan and work-outs being probably the most important ones. But also something of similar importance, so it shouldn't be forgotten - though it might sound a bit comical or at least straight up silly at first - trying to be more like Beni.
And I'm not talking about the being all dusty and/or furry part. ... Nope... not about being a bear either.
Don't worry too much... I still know what I'm talking about.

In any case... my motto for this year will be "do or die".
Sounds harsh, but at least it's effective. And yet again: "nope" - I'm not suicidal.
Though I guess at least a few people will try to correct me into something like "it's 2012 - we're all gonna die anyways on the 21st of December". To those people I will probably say: "don't believe all the stuff the crazy old men on the TV try to talk you into (even if the talk about the Maya)" - or think about it differently... we're all going to die at some point - I'd just rather have the do-part of it now and the dying bit a good couple of years later. Sounds good and convincing? Yeah, to me too.

Enjoy the New Year, have a great one everybody and expect lots of exciting updates on the site starting off next Tuesday. Greetings from Germany and as always, thanks for reading.
Marc, not as fluffy as his plush-bear (-1 to the Beni-o-meter)

P.S.: I think I got a new kitteh I could share with you somewhere around here.

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