It could be either of both by now, could it not?
Well as far as this update goes, I am not going to repeat myself with the obvious things, all of which have already been said waaaay to often.
But... what now?
Well first and foremost of all: I'm still here and I'm still writing stuff down. In other words: I'm getting my shit together to actually write that next story (damn it! I'm getting reluctant calling it a book... taking a step backwards isn't all that great). And oh boy do I have to. Once upon a time a single author was good with writing one book per year on a fairly regular basis, two was way more than exceptional... or at least the old stuff finally getting down to be published after years and years of being kept back (rotting away). Nowadays though things seem to be rapidly heading down a maelstrom of cheap and volatile entertainment, with the Internet readily waiting only the stretch of a finger away if you're even only remotely close to a smartphone.
So nowadays, with the reader knocking quite literally on the electrical doorstep of the author him- or herself fueled by the constant craving for new content this one-per-year policy just doesn't really work any more. And then there are those authors who tackle this problem so energetically that they end up over-doing it - e.g. with 12 books a year - or should I say e-books? I'm not even sure if I should call those "books" to begin with.
Sounds lovely, doesn't it?
But seriously... 12 "books" per year? ... I'm not even going to go into more detail about that. Of course there are other ways to get around that problem as it seems to be unfolding. Ah but I'm ranting again, so best to cut it here. I'm already feeling a good fourty years older after that. If I got you interested in a shallow article about this topic covered by the New York times have a look at this.
This is a great start into posting entries for the blog this month so far, isn't it? I've hardly done a thing for this site in a month and now I come back complaining about authors having to do more.
If nothing else I at least managed to achieve a new all-time low for views of the blog in May, but nevertheless - thank you to all the Russian spambots invading blogger for at least some site-traffic and that one guy who found my blog by searching for the IUPEC name of MDMA. Cheers to you (and of course to everybody else lingering around every once in a while).
One last thing though - I already hinted at it a while ago: I'll be moving house in the midst of July so don't expect too much over summer except for me working behind the ever-present curtain. I will however give a glimpse maybe every once in a while.
Everything important out of the way, all the ranting said and done I'm gonna leave you now to some classical music as I exit the scene. Enjoy.
A man still belongs into the fray of a raging battle! Sadly the means of this fight have changed more or less drastically over the centuries. The swords we once would have wielded are now pens and sheets of paper, the fetid arena has turned into an office space and the skill you measure your opponent by is no longer the strength behind the thrust of his sword arm but rather a bunch of marginal numbers scattered throughout databases and desks in places even you have never ever been before.
And for my next trick, I'm going to make all my free-time disappear.
As always, thank you very much for reading (you too - person searching for (RS)-1-(benzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)-N-methylpropan-2-amine).
Marc, wielder of axes and pens alike (damn you Diablo 3!)
P.S.: getting the search on for some new kittehs
P.P.S.: 3 new kittehs up
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