Apr 3, 2012

[SUM] - 'Recap'

It's just a title for a post, don't worry too much about it. Honestly: Don't.

And so you all feel better, I haven't forgotten about the lot of you, but it just so happens that I had to change locations yet again ("had to" = visiting the rest of the family over the Easter Holidays. Weeeee bunnehs!)
And so I'm now sitting on this sofa already relocated to Saxony, the train ride long behind me and slowly getting less productive by the minute. But I did manage to finally find a use for my largest (up to this day unused) notebook on my way here as I had to somehow fill those 5 hours of mind numbing sitting around.
Hence the title for this post.

Therefor: the update for today is: I'm away, or rather "I'm here" which means just about as much as "I'm away."

Anyways... thanks for reading, yep this is only a short one and more to come, probably as the week progresses. Even though we might "see" each other till then: Happy Easter holidays nevertheless.

Marc, under the spell of the bunnehs!

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