Today afternoon at approximately 4 p.m. my cat passed away.
I mentioned it in earlier posts of this blog, what had happened during the summer and how she tried to starve herself to death plus how she recovered from it, but soon afterwards her kidneys as well as her liver brought up a lot of new problems. Of course we took her to the vet (to several different ones in fact) but all of them seemed to agree on one point, that this whole thing must have been dragging on for a while now. It's kinda strange hearing something like this especially when you did not notice the slightest change in her behaviour, health or anything during said time.
Nevertheless... it changes nothing about the outcome of it all.
And life's only sweet as long as it can end, isn't it like that?
My relationship to the little furball has always been special in many ways. She was a member of the family, a friend when needed and maybe even a sister for me - and I don't care if somebody thinks this sounds awkward...
I grew up together with her. She was "dropped" into our little family when I was 8 years old and it immediately 'clicked' between the two of us. An almost perfect-match made by fate. (I still think she sometimes thought she was married to me.)
For the last 15 years she was always there for me and my mother with her feline charm and grace - a kitten to cuddle or a fur to cry into.
But now...
She has her well deserved rest. She was always a very proud individual and now the humiliation she must have felt during the last week(s) of her dwindling strength and energy are finally over.
Rest in peace my sweetheart, you will be missed.
This is the second loss my family suffered this year - first my grandfather died in April and now her.
I'm sorry if any of the above sounds somewhat cold-hearted or strangely out of focus - I'm no good in expressing such feelings, neither in spoken nor in form of written words.
It's a bit difficult for me to write about something else right now, but I guess I have a promise to keep:
Un-fucking-fortunately today would have been moderately important.
It would have been a once in a life-time opportunity for me to catch up on the recent events. To get actual information about the killings of last night. But the few names that were spit out, quickly turned into a pulp of digested words as the killing intent in each and every one of us grew by the second. For a short moment it even threatened to overthrow me and my elsewise unbreakable calm.
It was just us and our thirst for blood.
A fuckin’ strange night...
A hand full of new guys joined in on the fun after maybe an hour had passed. They were just like all the scrubs that they collect from the streets. Pathetic idiots, homeless, junkies and even murderers. Too dumb to know the sharp end of a knife let alone the killing end of a gun and too hot-headed to know what they’d be in for.
There you go.
As always thanks for reading. I hope you are having a better day than I am.
'till next time,
Marc, the Mourning One
P.S.:Oh and yeah... i don't think too many people are interested in the whole thing but - as I mentioned my birthday in the last post - it was on Saturday the 3rd of September (as can be also taken from my profile).
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