Jul 4, 2011

As time goes by

Sheesh... time flies by this year...
I intended on updating earlier, yet you should notice - I didn't manage before today. (And there's not too much to tell honestly...)

Currently I'm at my mom's house, 'chillaxing' with the family. I got some editing done over the last few days, which I think is pretty good, but still... I'll got caught up with another (new) time-waster. Dammit game-developers! *shackes fist*

So I'll keep this very very short for today:
My cat still loves me and hasn't tried to carve anything new into my skin until now. I've spent some quality time with my grandma - had some catching up to do after the last few months. We've visited the theatre on Friday where they've showed 'Everyman'. And Saturday was mainly getting together with a couple of friends, having a good time.
On the literary side of things, as I've mentioned before, I got some editing done and I also managed to talk buisiness for a bit on Saturday, though sadly we didn't have enough time for all that would have been important. (I won't be getting any further into this as of now, there aren't any major developements to talk about so I'll lie low with talking about this whole thing.)

And happy 4th of July for the American readers. Keep it safe and don't blow your limbs off... we all know how much you all love fire works...

That should be all for now, next update will most likely be Wednesday - yeah I'm rather sure on that.

Thanks for reading, have a great (holy-)day everyone.
Marc, the slightly addicted on trees and stones

P.S.: I should get going and upload a new kitteh, shouldn't I?

Currently addicted to: Terraria... darn it!

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